Go Oilers Go!
Stanley Cup Final opens on 5 June.
Can anyone update me on the final from time to time?
This blog is intended to keep friends and relatives (especially those far far away) update of my latest adventures. I will try to write as often as possible and put up as many pictures as I can. Remember to send me your comments.
Stanley Cup Final opens on 5 June.
Can anyone update me on the final from time to time?
Ida's Studio
標籤: Good Old Days
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
So typhoon ChanChu has come and is now going away.
It only got to Typhoon Signal #3 today, so everything was running as usual except kindergartens were off today because of the weather :) It also didn't rain as heavy as the Observatory predicted, but it's very windy.
How windy? Well, all the garbage bins on the streets were tied to a lamp post or something strong like the picture on the left. When I had my evening walk tonight, my hair was of course flying in the air, but at some point, I even had to hold my glasses tight or I was afraid it would fly away too.
Keys with Elmo key-mets :)
Rose & Di & Ed, I still have your dad's house key with my other key chain. Have they changed their lock?Elmos linked to my mobile. The blue ball is supposed to flash when the phone rings :P I am not quite sure if the battery is still on though.
The Japanese Elmo is of course from Japan. I think it's the only Elmo I have with Japanese costumes.Last but not least, the "do it yourself Sesame Street chocolate" set from Pheon, with a pack of chocolate, a mold and some wrapping paper! Fantastic! I guess it's similar to those clay thing I made before.
Since there's a typhoon coming, and it's going to rain heavily in the middle of the week, the temperature drops suddently from 30C+ to 20C+ these two days. Nice weather to sleep in and have a walk outside :) Lots of kids running around and lots of people fishing when I went for my walk late afternoon today. I have been walking on a treadmill in the gym in the club house of our estate lately cause it's too hot. So it's very nice to have some fresh air outside today.
How's your Mothers' Day? I had a nice dinner with Mom and we will go out again next Saturday when everyone's in town.
It's 11pm at a Sunday night, and I am on the computer working on an English translation of a video script!!!!!
What's going wrong?
I had already spent the whole afternoon working on a set of letters! IT'S SUNDAY!!!!! My original plan was to visit the Arts Museum :(
Anyway, I will go next Sunday instead. That's going to be the "world museums day" next weekend. Hope it's not very hot. The celebration events are outside the Arts Museum and Cultural Centre. Hot, hot, hot!
And I am very tired now :(
Oh, my God! This is what I read from the alumni news.
The main office of the Civil Engg Dept has already been relocated from the C(ivil-)E(lectrical )B(uilding) to the new Markin/CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility some times ago, and now the Physics Building and V-Wing are even being demolished.
So sad.
I don't think I had had a lot of classes in the Physics Building, but V-Wing was almost my third home during my years in the U of A. (First being HUB and second being CEB, especially during my grad school year when I had an office there.) There's even one time when I almost dropped all the way down from the top of the stairs at a V-Wing lecture theatre cause I wasn't quite woke up yet.
Those were the days.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Good Old Days
I haven't quite read through the following yet, but am glad that someone (all women!) from the legal sector are working on the issue. Hope they don't mind I am copying their work here.
If you are interested, here are the two organizations in HK supporting sex workers:
Ziteng http://www.ziteng.org.hk/
Action for Reach Out http://hkaids.med.cuhk.edu.hk/reachout/
***** *****
(by Dr.Robyn Emerton, Dr. Karen Joe Laidler and Dr. Carole Petersen of the University of Hong Kong)In the new millennium Hong Kong has witnessed a rapid and dramatic increase in the number of mainland Chinese visitors to the territory, including women who cross the border to engage in sex work. While sex work itself is not a crime in Hong Kong, several related activities, such as soliciting, are prohibited. Moreover, sex work is treated as a form of work for immigration purposes and visitors who engage in work without an employment visa are in breach of their conditions of stay. More than 10,000 mainland Chinese women have been arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced in the past five years, causing Hong Kong's female correctional population to expand beyond capacity.
This paper presents information from interviews conducted in 2004 with 58 mainland Chinese women incarcerated in three correctional institutions in Hong Kong for criminal and/or immigration offences related to sex work. The interviews were arranged with the kind assistance of the Correctional Services Department.By interviewing an incarcerated population, we were able to access women who had worked in a variety of settings, including women who had worked under third-party management. This group is usually inaccessible to researchers, as the women remain hidden in villas prior to their arrest. Our study showed that the majority of women came voluntarily and were assisted by others who profit from them, both on the mainland and in Hong Kong. Certainly some organized crime involvement exists, but its extent is unclear from the women's accounts.
Most women reported financial considerations as the primary factor influencing their decision to come to Hong Kong. Some were driven by urgent and dire economic circumstances, while others believed that this opportunity could offer higher earning potential than working in factories or the service industry in the mainland. In fact, many of the women were arrested before making a profit, but others reported significant earnings on this or a previous visit (as much as HK$80,000 in one case).The women's responses to questions about the criminal justice system indicate that cases are processed efficiently, but with limited regard to individual circumstances or to the defendants' understanding of their alleged offences. Describing their experiences in police stations, the majority said they understood the charges for which they had been arrested, but nine were confused, believing they had been charged with “prostitution” rather than immigration charges. Some women were not clear why they had been charged in the circumstances: four of the 19 women charged with soliciting said that the police had initiated the transaction, and five women arrested on the street for soliciting or immigration offences said they were not working when the police stopped them. The majority of women were allowed a telephone call, were provided with an interpreter and generally agreed with the statement, or chose not to read it. Seven women reported, however, that they had signed statements which they were not able to read, either because they were illiterate or because the statement was in English and traditional Chinese. One woman reported that she signed several blank pieces of paper. Finally, the accounts of three respondents raise concern about responses to women who allege that they were deceived and then forced into sex work. Despite informing various officials of their situations, these women's cases were handled in a standardized fashion.
In this context – the volume of cases, the grouping of cases, routine guilty pleas, the standardization of cases, the tendency to ignore individual circumstances, and normative sentences – the criminal justice system takes on the features of a bureaucratic machine. The consequence of this bureaucratic response – the short-term imprisonment of a large number of women – is expensive and has yet to demonstrate a deterrent or rehabilitative effect. Although the majority of the first-timers said they would not return to Hong Kong for sex work once released, 15 of our respondents had been arrested on one or more previous occasion, which raises questions as to the individual deterrent effect of current practices. Further, current policies have yet to demonstrate a general deterrent effect in discouraging other mainland Chinese women from coming to Hong Kong to engage in sex work. There has been a recent decrease in arrests, which the Secretary for Security attributes to vigorous law enforcement and improved immigration control. However, this decrease may reflect a decrease in the rate of police detection. In any event, a higher prosecution rate has meant that the number of mainland women being incarcerated in Hong Kong has continued to rise.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
It's raining cats and dogs outside, going from the yellow to red rain storm warning signals in just a few hours. So good that I am already home.
It's always like this during the last few weeks -- raining heavily during weekdays but sunny and hot over the weekends. Last year that's the direct opposite.
My knees were going all right this morning. But then it's going worst in the afternoon, around the time the thunder storm warning signal was up! I think the Observatory should hire me to predict the rain.
Lately I am extremely busy in the office and at lesiure as well. So many books to read, got hooked up to cross stitching again (and don't forget the knitted baby sweaters for Christmas!), and busy with memorizing the Putonghua pin-yin...... So many things to do but so little times.