31 July 2006

Quick short notes

I have been working on some translation these two days (well, in addition to Mandarin class and other mo-liu stuffs), and still haven't finished. Actually I have been working on it for quite some times now (but can only focus on it these couple of days), and now I have become a "mechanical English teacher" without putting much heart when amending those translated pieces.

Boring, boring.

What else lei?

Highly recommend this BB blog:

Very funny. Make sure you visit it, especially when you are tired.

...em...oh yes. I will be visiting the government specialist this coming Friday, 4 August. Have to dig out that x-ray film and check out old posts and my diaries (yes, I keep a real diary in addition to this blog) to prepare a summary of my symptoms and the progress for the doctor!!!!! Have to wisely spend the very short consultation time!!!!! As I am feeling quite good lately, I think the doctor will kick me out and ask me not to return again :P

Today is last day of July. It seems that summer will be gone soon, before I have ever realized it has come......

25 July 2006

Funny taxi driver

Yesterday after work, I took a taxi from office to Causeway Bay. When I paid the driver, the funny taxi driver said I had a sweet voice...hahahahahahahahahaha...

He should hear me yelling :) not to mention I am always out of pitch...hahahahahahaha...

24 July 2006

Monday morning depression

Monday morning blues -- back to work again :(

23 July 2006



我過去 那死黨 早晚共對 各也紮職以後 沒法 暢聚
而終於 相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水
日夜做 見爸爸 剛好想呻 卻霎眼 看出他 多了皺紋
而他的蒼老感 是從來未覺 太內疚擔心

最心痛是 愛得太遲 有些心意 不可等某個日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私
夢中也習慣 有壓力要我得志
最可怕是 愛需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 偏要推說等下一次

我也覺 我體質 彷似下降 看了症得到是 別要太忙
而影碟 都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕
日夜做 儲的錢 都應該夠 到聖誕 正好講 跟我白頭
誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久

錯失太易 愛得太遲 我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知
幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意
愛一個字 也需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 不要相信一切有下次

相擁我所愛又花幾多秒 這幾秒 能夠做到又有多少
未算少 足夠遺憾忘掉

多少抱憾 多少過路人 太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮
但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引
縱不信運 你不過是人 理想很 愛於咫尺卻在等
來日別操心 趁你有能力開心
世界有太多東西發生 不要等到天上俯瞰
***** *****

No special meaning. Just I caught some of the lines in the chorus while listening to the radio and at work at the same time, and I find I like it so I think you will like it too :)

So. Those busy people. May be it's time to slow down and look around.

I just came back from the Book Fair (it opened till 2am today!). I finally bought two books at the last store I visited before I left. Kind of tired now but don't want to sleep yet so I guess I would like to do some work instead.

So. I am sort of busy for lots of "mo-liu" stuff lately. Keep working and working and working but couldn't see the output and still lots to do!!!!!

I think I will need a break.

15 July 2006

Very hungry

This is 11:45pm, and I am terribly hungry. It's only a bit better after drinking 1/2 mug of milk (yes, a mug, not a glass, and an Elmo mug too :)

So, what I have been up to lately?

Nothing much, actually:

1. Counting my $$$ to pay for the tax next year :(

2. Start another 13-week Putonghua class this afternoon. That's four hours every Saturday afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try to keep awake all four hours, but I have to say it's killing me.

3. I applied for a job at ICAC, and my application number is 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God knows if there will be over 3,000 applications after the deadline. Who said the economy is doing good?

4. Trying to clean up my room and bookselves and pack stuff to be given away for charity tomorrow and at the end of the month. Not very successful though, especially when Putonghua class starts again.

5. Trying to enjoy my "five-day-work-week". Last week, I slept till noon both days and so couldn't do much. I will watch Cars tomorrow. Hope that will be good. I have already changed my wallpapers at home and office to Fillmore and Guido :)

12 July 2006


Got the tax payment voucher today. Need to pay more than one month salary for tax next year!!!!! My goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 July 2006


I like the tulips. I put it as the banner of my 1% finished blog in WordPress (, and it's so beautiful. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to master WordPress yet, so I put the flowers here as well so that everyone can share the joy.

Have a good summer!

04 July 2006


I am trying to figure out how to use WordPress, but so far no luck :(