28 March 2008

The Cover

I can't make up my mind, so I will let you have a say.

Do you like this one?

(1) Square (7"x7")

Or, this one?

(2) Standard Portrait (8" x 10")

How about these?

(3) Standard Landscape (10" x 8")

I started with the square, and still like it the most, but the size is too small. Then, I tried portrait, but today I find it too boring. What do you think about landscape? Never mind the colours and the pictures selection now, cause I only roughly made up three covers tonight. (Of course, you can suggest some colour schemes.)

Better cast your vote quick, or I will be so confused with which one to choose.

For family members, I am looking for pictures! I have already exhausted every single picture in my computer. My wish list includes:

* Birthday
* Graduation
* Wedding
* With individual family (including family members outside the human species)
* With "unexpected" family members (e.g. Di with goo-ma)
* First time doing something (e.g. first day to kindergarten)
* Winning a prize
* Those on top of your TV or hang on your wall, etc. (inspired by someone's picture being replaced by Bacon's on top of a TV)

You got the idea.

22 March 2008

The Tse Family "Cho Uk" (祖屋) – Part 3 of 5 -- The 2nd special item of the house is...

... the stair!

A bridge

The stair is a bridge between the world of Chinese TV (main floor) and the world of English TV (basement). During my stay in December last year, Aunt 2 told me to keep the light on all the time. If I was in an English literature class, I would say that the light that was always on symbolized the always welcomed communications and exchange between the two generations. (Wow! I really did learn something in my English 30!)

Superpower revealed

During our first stay at Uncle and Aunt 2's house, Sara, Rose and Belinda, who were born on the same year, were aged 3Y1M, 2Y9M and 2Y8M. On of our hobbies in the house was to walk up and down the stair. (It's easy to understand. We don't have a stair in our HK apartments!) One day, we were walking up and down as usual. Suddenly, the rather absent minded little Belinda stepped on her long dress and started rolling down the stair. In a split second, I (already landed on the basement) turned and caught her with my hands to avoid her head hitting on the concrete floor.

Till now, I still can't believe I could react so quickly and hold a two year-old when I myself was only eight. May be during time of emergency, our hidden power will reveal without notice.

Guess who?

The first time when the twins stayed at Uncle and Aunt 2's house, they were around three or four and I was already in college. One day I was reading at the basement and suddenly the stair light went on and off non-stop.

"Dai Mui (大妹, the older twin), don't play with the light." I commended.

There's a second of silence.

"It's not me. It's Sai Mui (細妹, the younger twin)." Dai Mui appealed.

"It's you. I saw you."

"No. You can't see me from where you sit." Dai Mui insisted.

"I can see you from here."

And then the twins were gone and the light didn't go on and off again.

After all these years, I have to confess that Dai Mui was right that I couldn't SEE HER from where I sat. However, I could see Sai Mu, who was one step below Dai Mui and was at least half a foot shorter than Dai Mui at the time. With this "height" difference, Sai Mui couldn't even reach the switch.

It's not that difficult to figure out the "doer" for a fan of detective stores.

14 March 2008

Friday off

Visited the "World of Mirrors" at the Science Museum today after having a hair cut. Since it's a mirrors exhibition, not everything you see from the collage is real! There's also a "mirror maze" (2nd to last pictures of the 1st row), which I had to walk through carefully as I have a great tendency crushing myself into any glass/mirror!

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year, also at the Science Museum, is great too. Make sure you check it out before 1 May.

First a writer, now a publisher

A colleague sent me this, and I decide to get the Myths and the Facts of the Tse Family published! (RELAX! By "published", it means "to print a hardcopy".)

(Make your own book with) Blurb:

I've played around with it, and got the basic layout done. It seems a lot of funs, although the software itself has plenty of room for improvement.

I plan to print some copies as Christmas presents for families. So, if you want a separate copies, drop me an email with mailing address. Deadline for ordering is beginning of November. If you have memorable pictures and interesting stories to share, don't forget to email them to me. I will acknowledge the contributors in the books!

10 March 2008


Haven't left the office so early for a while. I didn't need the magnetic card to pass the gate at the lift lobby downstairs from office, was able to do some (grocery) shopping before dining at home, had plenty of time for my evening walk and some more for a few pages of a good book.

Just couldn't be better.

09 March 2008

How I reborn

Haven't practiced my calligraphy for months, and I am glad that I can finally pick it up again today, although I had to start from the strokes!

08 March 2008

One of my finest hours

I went "wow" when I saw this book in store, after an office event, this afternoon.

Churchill is one of my heroes, and I have been wanting to get this book for a while. I had tried visiting two Page One in one day but all they had were books with lots of scratches on the covers.

Bought some more as well (but where's my time?). The bad thing was -- I thought bookstores were still on sale but the one I visited ended the sale earlier than the others :(

Too bad.

[For those not in HK, bookstores with a Chinese background usually have major sale during Chinese January, cause "book" and "lose" in Chinese sound the same!]

04 March 2008


I will reborn after 8 March. Stay tune.