28 March 2010

In support of HK brands (not Brand HK)

Finally had a chance to visit the Design Gallery for leisure.  I was determined to get something before I even went close.

21 March 2010

Another 10 hours of effort

I have to say this is much better than the mouth at the beginning.

Two steps forward

The 2nd class should be a ball, but the teacher added an apple as well. (This one has some "retouching" from the teacher though. I still don't know how to blend the colours together.)

07 March 2010



* 一黨領導的民主專政

* 穩定第一的依法治國

* 執政為民的威權政府

* 國家調控的市埸經濟

* 央企主導的公平競爭

* 中國特色的科學發展

* 以我為主的和諧外交

* 單民族主權的多族群共和

* 後西方後普世的主體思想

* 中華文明舉世無雙的民族復興

-- 陳冠中《盛世》



Back to square one -- I started oil painting class after CNY. Everything has to start all over again.