26 December 2007

Nightmare on Christmas

I am still suffering from my "24-hr sleepiness symptom", and went to bed around 9pm on Christmas day.

I then woke up at 1am, cause my head ached a record high level in recent years. It's like being hammered with nails to my head.


I got out of bed in the hope of locating any pain killer at home but in vain. After struggling for a while, when I couldn't stand the pain anymore, I finally decided to got dressed and visited the Circle K downstairs (at 1am!). Luckily, it's a real 24-hr convenient store (some 7-11s and Circle Ks closed at mid-night), and I got a pack of Panadol there. In 20 minutes, my headache was more or less gone (thanks goodness) and I went to bed again.

Then the real "nightmare" came. I dreamed of a cat wondering my bed side and used its fore leg to touch my face.


But I couldn't scream at all.

And I woke in the middle of the night again. No wonder my Chinese doctor said I don't have quality sleep.

P.S. Pain killers used to be my good friend. My record was taking eight Tylenol a day (maximum dosage) in a few consecutive days, till one day I received an email from a friend telling me that I would die soon if I continued.

P.P.S. Cats are my life-time greatest enemy.

25 December 2007

Elmo Saves Christmas Part 6

So Elmo had saved Christmas.

May I wish everyone a warm Christmas and prosperous New Year :)

24 December 2007

Elmo Saves Christmas Part 5

23 December 2007

Elmo Saves Christmas Part 4

22 December 2007

Elmo Saves Christmas Part 3

21 December 2007

Elmo Saves Christmas Part 2

20 December 2007

Elmo Saves Christmas Part 1

16 December 2007


I was backed on Friday night, and will be back to the reality tomorrow.

I would call it a wonderful trip -- eating and sleeping, reading and going out sometimes, chatting with grandma, eating and sleeping again... ... That's what life should be!

Thanks those who had "entertained" me during my study. I was going in a rush indeed. Should stay longer and going more cities next time.

Last but not least, check out my pictures taken in Edmonton. I am starting to like photography!

11 December 2007

Platform 9-3/4, King's Cross Station

I sneaked out from grandma's appointment at the University Hospital today to have a walk on campus and took the LRT to downtown. I was supposed to take a bus at the stop on 100A Street and 102 Avenue back home.

Well, I walked around. I saw 100 Street and 101 Street, 102 Avenue and 102A Avenue, but there's no such street numbered 100A.

...... ......

I felt like Harry Potter.

P.S. Of course I finally got the bus back home, but I still couldn't see the mysterious 100A Street. It turned out that the bus stop is located in between 100 and 101 Streets along 102 Avenue. But then I got off the bus one stop earlier and had to step on the snow for another block home :(

09 December 2007

Two cups of tea and three mugs of coffee

That's how I stay awake today to avoid more embarrassment. I think I better sleep early tonight, although it doesn't really work.

08 December 2007

Safely Arrived

I'd safely arrived Edmonton last night, and not only having jet lag but feeling very very sleepy 24 hours a day!

We went to Burger Deluxe to have greasy burgers, greasy hotdogs, and greasy french fries and sweet potato fries tonight. It tasted so good, and I am going to gain the few pounds lost last month in only a meal's time!

05 December 2007

04 December 2007

So this is how we destroy the earth

Pictures taken during the dismantling of our exhibition last night.

At least 95% of our exhibition was tailor made. That means, at the end of the fourth day, everything became "construction waste" and went to the landfill.

Poor mother earth.

To rewind a bit, this is how it looked during the set-up process. Two major differences between this collage and the next one are there's no carpet and the light wasn't on yet.

When the light was on. (Pictures taken after the Opening Ceremony on 29 Nov, when there's still some final touch up.) Somehow I think we used too much lighting, which means a lot of electricity! I think we are one of mother earth's greatest enemies.

P.S. Photo credit to Constance, who took up the role of "stationed reporter" of the exhibition.

P.P.S. I added a slide show of the pictures on the side and it slows down the loading of my blog a lot :(

03 December 2007

Sunrise at HKCEC

Seven years ago, I had seen once sunrise at HKCEC while waiting for the results of the LegCo Election 2000.

Today, the day after the LegCo By-election (HKI), I was also at the HKCEC early in the morning, cause it's the last day of the four-day exhibition on Women of HK - A Century of Contribution and Change.

After months of preparation, the exhibition finally came to an end today, and I can finally breath again. Unfortunately, lots of follow up works are also coming and I will be busy for at least a while.

Pictures of the exhibition will be coming soon. Before that, let me introduce the following:

A chart beside my desk showing the status of the production of our 70 exhibition panels, for e.g., if the text and layout are ready, if the panels are confirmed for output, etc. Colleagues came to check out the progress from time to time.

This is the notice board in front of my desk. The one on the top right corner is obviously a wall calendar. The one beside is the floor plan of the exhibition, while the one below the wall calendar is the timetable of our guided tours. They are there to remind me of the works and how many days left, as well as easy discussion with colleagues.

I was at HKCEC since last Wednesday (28 Nov). When I was back to the office tonight, Christmas decoration is already on!