14 October 2008

Typos! Troubles!

See at the Post-its? They are all typos in the trial copy.

So, I corrected them.

It went OK when I changed it off-line. When I double checked the corrections on Sunday morning and went on-line, hoping to upload again when it's done, the Booksmart told me there's a newer version of the software.

So, I downloaded and installed the new version.

BOMB!!!!! The format of the book changed almost on every page under the new version of Booksmart. So, I formatted the book again. However, the new Booksmart doesn't seem to be ready for release yet. Very often, it shutted down every time I clicked on the text box. Even more frequent, I couldn't even boost it up.

So, I uninstalled the new version, and installed the previous version again, and it worked.

I eventually uploaded the book again and sent for a bulk print on Sunday night. However, I have to say I was too tired and too bored for the proofreading. I am sure when I corrected some typos, there should be some new ones after changing to different versions of Booksmart, but I don't care.

So, I am expecting the books by mid-November, and hopefully they will arrive the recipients' mailboxes by New Year, if not Christmas.