26 December 2005
24 December 2005
21 December 2005
Sara's graduating from her master...
Ida's Studio
標籤: The Tse Family
19 December 2005
2005年12月19日, 10:30 a.m.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
18 December 2005

倒是蘋果的頭條最沒有加鹽加醋。(What a surprise.)

Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
Urgent appeal by Hong Kong People's Alliance on the WTO
Urgent appeal by Hong Kong People's Alliance on the WTO
We write to request your immediate solidarity action against the Hong Kong government’s mass arrest and violence against the anti-WTO demonstrators on 17th and 18th December 2005. On the 5th day of the WTO MC6 in HK, thousands of local and overseas demonstrators marched from the Victoria Park to Wanchai Convention and Exhibition Centre where the WTO meeting was being held. They were stopped by thousands of HK Police around 5 PM. Soon the police used pepper spray, fire hose and subsequently tear gas bombs were fired upon the demonstrators without any warning. 60 demonstrators suffered injuries and 3 were hospitalized.
All of them were detained by the Police soon after discharged from the hospital.
Around 900 demonstrators peacefully sat in at the Gloucester Road but were surrounded by hundreds of armed police for ten hours. They were denied of food and other backups. Subsequently they were all arrested around 3.30AM of 18th December 2005.
The HKPA is trying our best to continue our struggle against the WTO and to plan more local and international actions for the immediate release of those who were/are being arrested, who are mainly non-HK residents.
18th December 2005
Suggested action:
Please send protest letter to the following persons:
Mr. Donald Tsng
Fax :(852) 2509 0577
E-mail :ceo@ceo.gov.hk
Mr. Pascal Lamy
General enquiries
Tel: (41-22) 739 51 11
Fax: (41-22) 731 42 06
email: enquiries@wto.org
cc to HKPA secretariat
For more information, please contact:
Mabel Au (pawto2005@yahoo.com.hk)
Phone no. 852-93250030
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
Victoria Park on 17 Dec 2005
These are pictures I took at noon, way before the unhappy event. (Well, I won't call it a "riot" as the newspapers do. The "event" was very well organized and targetted only to the police. No one on the street was hurted and no store damaged.)

Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
16 December 2005
My blog
I know there are not many people reading my blog, but I also know my blog has regular readers. I know it from the number of people concerning my knee in the last few months.
Lately, it's an very effective mean to communicate with my cousins in Canada. They know what I am doing, and I also know how they step into different stages of life by reading theirs. Most importantly, I can now show their pictures to my mom so that she won't keep asking me about my cousins any more...hahaha...what a relief.
Blogs and other cyper world media also help me to understand more about what's going on inside the WTO MC6. Although there are tonnes of WTO coverages on various media every day, the local media focus almost only on the protests. Some local NGO workers that take part in the lobbying and some local citizens helping or participating in NGO activities write in their blogs or to other internet media what they see inside the conference hall and on the spots of various NGO activities. They give us a wider view of MC6 than the "simple, sometimes naive" local media.
15 December 2005
This is the third day of the sixth ministerial conference of the WTO. While protests, seminars, cultural activities, etc. are being staged outside the conference hall days and nights; there is still no sign of any successful negotiation inside the door.
Well, for me, no deal is a good deal, especially if it's not going to do the poor any good. Just the same as the current polictical reform in HK, status quo is better than any change that turns our political system backward.
My first "encounter" with the WTO was my one-month stay in CUHK. My job there was to organize a conference on "Beijing + 10 meets WTO + 10", i.e. how WTO is going to affect women, with an aim to remind the negotiators and advocates the gender perspective. It turns out that I left CUHK quicker than I ever thought, but my interests keep going on.
If you are living in the Kowloon side of HK and you do not read any newspaper or watch the news, you will not notice that the MC6 is going on just across the harbour. The conference and the related NGO activities (watch out, the NGOs not only stage protests, there are also a variety of other activities from cultural performance, seminars and forums, to launching of a new book) are located from Wanchai (where the official and NGO conferences locate) to Causeway Bay (base of NGO activities), i.e. the northern side of the HK Island. Other than these areas, lives of HK people are rarely disrupted.
My office is located in Central, west to Wanchai. Most of the protests are not extended to Central. However, the security measures of the building are also escaluated. Well, no surprise. Our office located at CITIBANK TOWER! But the so called "escaluated" measures are simply blocking all the entrances except one and every one has to get his/her entrance pass out in order to get into the lift lobby. I always doubt how much more secured it can get, except making us walk longer.
The security measures are more serious at my old office. I went to pick up something from EOC this morning. Where it locates? The same clusters of buildings as the one where the NGO WTO forum is, and just next block to the real conference venue. So you can imagine that it looks like a police state around the buildings. Non-office users will need to get pass the x-ray machine to get going.
There are three more days till the end of the MC6. I will drop by the Victoria Park (an interesting place in HK where old people play tai-chi, youngsters compete in ball games, people shop at the biggest local "flower market" in CNY, and political events from left to right take place) tomorrow and over the weekend to have a taste of the NGO's WTO activities. It is expected that the protests will continue to escaluate if the negotiations are not in favour of the poor.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
14 December 2005
I caught a cold, plus the "micro current" thing done by my phsyical therapist make me very tired. I shouldn't have gone to work. I better work quick and go back home early.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
13 December 2005
Make Trade Fair
Just for a record, it's WTO-MC6 in HK from 13 to 18 December. Make Trade Fair for us all!
WTO official website
WTO-MC6 official website
Oxfam Make Trade Fair website
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
10 December 2005
I've been reading others' blogs and viewing others' pictures of the 12.4 rally on universal suffrage. But surprisingly, it seems that I don't have any thing special to talk about, despite the fact that I was at the Victoria Park since 10am last on Sunday and didn't finish my task till 2am midnight.
Since the candle night vigil in April last year, I am always tasked with the job of fund raising at major CHRF rallys, and I was working on the same task again during the 12.4 rally. Although this was already the fourth time I worked on the same role, interestingly, I still found my lesson to learn and room for improvement next time (if there's any).
One thing I don't like about fund raising at rally is that I don't get the chance walking through the route. Everytime I just took the MTR or a taxi to travel from the starting point (Victoria Park) to the destination (usually the government headquarter) so as to wrap up the fund raising at the end point. I missed the fun seeing all the creativity of the public, and also the memory of working with a whole lot of strangers on the same goal. May be next time I should just stay in the crowd.
P.S. My knee didn't get especially worse even though I stood for the whole day on Sunday. But it is not feeling very well these couple of days when the weather changes. I am getting tired of the unstable condition. I think I will stay the same forever and ever.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
04 December 2005
Ida's News Updates will stay tune for updates on democracy campaign from now till Christmas. Please scroll down for real Ida's News Updates.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
03 December 2005
Quick updates
I tried out another specialist on Thursday, took x-ray of my knee (finally), and reserved a time slot on 13 December for physical therapy. Not sure if it's going to work this time, but the medical cost sure is EXPENSIVE. My shopping plan was once again postponed :( So sad.
Watched at 17 in concert also on Thursday. I stood half of the concert (well, I had to. everyone stood and they blocked my view.) and needless to say my knee suffered these few days :(
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
28 November 2005
South Park Ida
I have never been a South Park fans, but this is definitely funny. That's the sort of glasses I want to get. The hair looks like mine (but I want to keep it LOOOOOOONG). And the red jacket just fits Christmas.
Click on this to make your all South Park characters pictures.
P.S. I walked and I stood for a long time this evening. And ;~, my leg feels like broken > <
Ida's Studio
標籤: Miscellaneous
26 November 2005
More Idas
I said I woud put on pictures of my latest craft works. So here they are.
They are again come from the Page One children section. They come with bodies of the dolls, materials to make the clothes and hair, and even glue and double ahersive tape, so you don't need to use a needle. (It actually made me quite disappointed. But in fact it said so on the box. I just didn't notice. Not a very smart consumer I am.)
The dolls are now hanging "dangerously" to the petition of my seat in the office. My colleagues perform acupuncture to them using pins!
P.S. Rita, I suppose they are called Ida again. How about Ida Pand and Ida Ng this time?
Ida's Studio
標籤: Arts and Crafts
Christmas @ Charter Garden
Charter Garden, Central, is a place where I walk through every night after work, cause the MTR exit beside is the closest MTR entrance to me office.
This year, Charter Garden is being decorated as "Santa's Town" with some display booths, photo shooting booth to take pictures with Santa, snack booth (of course), etc. It's not yet fully furnished when I took the pictures this morning. Let see if my little camera can capture the Christmas fun at night.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Festive Seasons
25 November 2005
Physical Disability
After claiming "physically disabled" to defer my Mandarin class, all the sudden my knee gets a bit better, or at least I thought so.
I went site visit with the exhibition contractor this morning. I thought I was in a good shape and walked very smoothly. But then the contractor asked what's wrong with my leg.
I think I am too used to my physical disability now that I think everyone walks like me. But the "difference" is still easily noticed by others.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
22 November 2005
Ginger bread latte without ginger bread
You can only find Starbucks' ginger bread latte during festival season. In order to drink my favourite drink as much as possible during this one-and-a-half-month, I will have to visit the Starbucks very very very often. But, well, this was what I got this morning -- a tall ginger bread latte without ginger bread. This makes my day miserable :(
Ida's Studio
標籤: Festive Seasons
Hi Hi
My colleagues said I haven't updated my blog for a while, so I decide to drop down some words.
First, updates on my knee -- bad, bad, and bad. Ever since the line dance class couple of weeks ago, my knee is getting worse. It can't touch the bed again when I lie down :~ And I have great difficulty walking as well, which makes me very tired every night. (I sleep a lot and I thought it's because of the medicine. But now since I am not on it, I am quite sure it's note due to the pills.) I am thinking to visit another specialist. The Chinese medicine doesn't do me any big progress after the first trial, and making the Chinese medicine every day is a big burden to me as well :P
Second is my continuing education. I am taking a 30-session foundation cert on corporate communications at the HKU SPACE starting last month. Well, I know at least half of the stuff they cover, but I've never attended a similar course before. (My friends in the PR field already advised me not to take a whole degree on it.) I guess if I really want to stay in the field, the cert programme is something I need to do sooner or later, and the outcome is sort of expected -- I already find the course very meaningless and sometimes I even feel kind of frustrated as I find the lecturers can't even deliver the things I know in a confident and well-organized way. But, well, the wrong decision is made. I have to stuck with it till May next year.
At leisure, I stopped drawing and calligraphy classes because of different reasons, even though I would like to continue. Also, due to my knee problem, I stay home most of the time, which means I am not even visiting the museums (I guess I won't be able to visit the museums frequent enough to make my annual pass worths the $$), nor going to shopping :(
So sad.
I had done some craft things though, and am also making some more. I will post a picture later.
P.S. When you have time, I encourage you to visit my cousin's blog to see the lovely dog house my uncle made.
12 November 2005
Line dance
I took the risk to attend line dance class this morning. I thought line dance was easy enough without any big movement, and the teacher also kept reminding me not to do those movements that needed to bend the knees. But gee...it hurted after the first half hour. It actually required more knee movement than I thought. I finished the whole one-and-a-half-hour though, but I also plan to have some good rest this weekend (the dancing teacher also said there's nothing I could do except DON'T MOVE AND REST)...after Sandy Lam in concert tonight :)
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
網上行動 -「12.4爭取民主普選」團結絲帶
詳情 click入 http://www.hiradio.net/images
係播網絡電台 上
(*此概念設計藍本源自make poverty history)
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
07 November 2005
First time to a Chinese doctor
I went to see a Chinese doctor last Saturday. First time ever.
It's not that I don't trust Chinese medicine, but I just find it too troublesome and works too slowly. I always want things done quickly and these two reasons alone make me say no to Chinese medicine without any hestitation.
But people try different things when you are desperate.
One of my colleagues gave me the contacts and said this Chinese doctor works very good for joint problems. So I visited her last Saturday and I did everything from the very bitter Chinese medicine to acupuncture, radiotherapy and something like tui-na (similar, but not exactly). What amazed me the most was that, before asking why I was there, by just checking my pulse, the doctor could tell I have some problems with my nose, stomach and the wasit muscle! Amazing! I find she's more like a fortune teller!
After all these treatments and interesting experiences, it only costed me HK$290. Last time the specialist charged me HK$840! I think we really should do something to enhance Chinese medicine's professional image, so they can have better respect and return.
So, did I get any better? Yes...for yesterday and this morning. My right knee made less "kwoking" sound these two days so I walked as quick as I used to be. Outcome? My knees hurt again!
Lesson to learn -- be patient.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
28 October 2005
Newspaper Ad on 28 October 2005
A full-page ad on several major HK newspapers today from a senior.
Even though I am not even half as old as s/he does, I know the answer for me is a NO.
I can't go to the rally on Sunday, but am I going to see you on 4 December?
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
反對政府方案 堅決爭取普選
Pro-democracy legislators will hold a series of activities relating to Report no. 5 on Constitutional Development. Details are as follows. For enquiry, please call Ms Blue Lam at 2509 0243.
5 November2005 (Saturday)
Centre for Comparative and Public Law of the Faculty of Law, HKU
The Biggest Step: The 5th Report of the Task Force on Constitutional Reform
6 November 2005 (Sunday)
Shek O beach carpark
Democracy Relay
13 November 2005 (Sunday)
Piazza, Kowloon Park
Talk show hosts performance
20 November, 2005 (Sunday)
Pedestrian Precinct, Mongkok
Street Forum
27 November 2005 (Sunday)
Edinburgh Place
Gathering for different sections
3 December 2005 (Saturday)
Along the tram route
Democracy Tram Party
4 December, 2005 (Sunday)
Victoria Park
Big march
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
24 October 2005
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
20 October 2005
Feeling better
Just a quick note to let everyone knows I am feeling better, although still feeling a bit uncomfortable and a bit painful...at least don't need to take taxi home any more :P
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
15 October 2005
More Elmo

Next time when I take you a picture with my mobile, remember to say "Hi" to Kinmakie Elmo :P
13 October 2005
I went to the emergency of the Eastern Hospital tonight.
Since the beginning of my knee pain, many people are urging me to visit the emergency, so the A&E doctor would transfer me to a specialist, but I didn't go until tonight.
I figure that the more I walk, the more pain I feel. So the rountine is I have the best condition in the morning (after some sleep), but the worst when I got off from work. I can walk from the MTR station to office in the morning, but I will need to take a taxi to go back home after work.
Today, I tried taking the MTR from Central to North Point to attend the corporate communication class. It turned out that the distance is longer than I thought, and I was very tired and very painful after the walk. I had a light supper in North Point, and after the two-hour class, I felt both of my knees were very painful and I couldn't stand up straight again. So I went back home, dropped down some stuff and went to the emergency room on my own.
It's the thrid time I was in an ER, but it's the first time I went without going by an ambulance and with a clear mind. So, I was a bit confused in the procedure and the whereabout.
I brought something to do at the ER, as I thought it would take a century to see the doctor. It turned out that I only needed to wait for less an hour (enough time to read an article in the U of A Engineer, and work out the layout of a leaflet!).
Basically, the doctor just repeated what the previous two doctors said -- nothing special to watch out; just don't bend the knees; nothing could be done; all they could give me were anti-inflammatory durgs and painkillers; went to see a doctor when you felt painful but again, there's nothing they could do......
I got two days of sick leave again. The longest sick leave I had ever had since I had chicken pox in Primary 1 or 2.
I took the second and third medications for the doctor to review. Guess what? The doctor gave me the same anti-inflammatory drug as in the first medication!!!!! (I should have brought all those!) The only thing new is an ointment.
I guess I really need to take some good rest this time. Hope I can go to Rico and Carman's wedding on Saturday.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
11 October 2005
Very sleepy...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...
Just take the pills and I am now very sleepy.
Actually the pills are making me very sleepy within a short time. If I am not in the office, I will get to bed and sleep for the whole day. The result is...can't sleep at night!
After sleeping for two days, I felt much better yesterday -- walking much faster and feeling less pain. But guess what, after one day in the office, I legs were getting painful again. This time not just the right side but also the left leg as well.
I guess I better take a few days off so that I don't need to move as much and I will get well sooner. Good that it's public holiday today. I guess I will make some arrangement today when I am back to the office and get the Thursday and Friday off. But on Saturday, I have to get out of my hole again. It's Rico and Carman's wedding that I can't miss, and drama at night :)
P.S. One of my colleagues also hurted her toes too, and we have two officers in the team that couldn't walk properly.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
10 October 2005
Joint Statement of teachers and grad students at HKU Faculty of Education against the EMB to award human rights training contract to the STL
I want to put the following up for a long time, if my leg doesn't go anything wrong for the last two weeks.
I find this press release very touching. For those of you who didn't follow up the news, the Education and Manpower Bureau had awarded a human right training for teachters contract to the Society of Truth and Light (well, except for God, who else in the universe could claim him/herself represent the truth?), who in fact opposes almost everything that protects the equal opportunities for anyone (in the name of God!).
********** **********
Press Release (6 October 2005)
As educationalists we have deep misgivings about EMB's award of a contract to the Society of Truth and Light (STL) to run courses for teachers on human rights.
STL's views on human rights are highly eccentric. Hong Kong's gays,lesbians and transgendered people meet discrimination in all walks of life(personal and professional). Yet for STL the proposed anti-discriminationlaw would itself infringe human rights. In what way? Well, by forcing people to change their attitudes to these minority groups (and, one supposes, actually to stop treating them the way they do).
We believe STL's view of human rights legislation is dangerous. We are alarmed that this view may be communicated to teachers, in whom we place the education of tomorrow's citizens. Today STL fights to preserve theright to discriminate against gays, lesbians and transgenders. Tomorrow who knows? Maybe it will be a fight to remove existing protection for women and the disabled. For don't we all have the right to discriminateagainst whomsoever we choose?
16 teachers and postgraduate students at HKU Faculty of Education
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
09 October 2005
Can't go to sleep
It's 2:53am, and I can't get into sleep.
No surprise. I slept almost whole day today and it's very reasonable that I can't sleep now.
The medication for me knee makes me very sleepy. I want to sleep within five minutes after taking the pills.
And also, my legs don't seem to go much better. That's the second reason I couldn't sleep, I suppose.
For two or three nights in a row, I can't get my right leg straight while I am on the bed. That's a big problem. I remember when I saw the specialist on Tuesday, it could go down all the way with a little push on my right knee by the doctor (although I wanted to scream). But now, there's an at least four to five inches gap till the back of my knee can touch the bed, and I won't push my leg any further, as even without the push, I already feel very painful.
What's next then? I don't know. I guess I will need to see a doctor again on Monday. Buy who? I have no idea.
Some of my friends asked me to visit the emergency so that the A&E will transfer me to a government specialist. I am not sure. I think I am not that "emergency" in fact. But the more advise I receive, the more confused I am. It also reflects how little I know about our health care system.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
05 October 2005
I planned to get back to work today. However, my knees (or should be my feet) are getting painful again, worse than yesterday too. In view of the long walk to office from the MTR station, I guess I better stay home again today. Good that I am prepared for this and brought all the work home on Monday.
Maybe I shouldn't go shopping yesterday :(
Anyway, the first corporate communication class tonight. Another reason I want to reserve my strength or it will be just like Monday -- got all tired up from work and couldn't attend the calligraphy class.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
Chondromalacia of Patella
Time to update my "sickness".
This morning, I went to see a specialist. Good that the doctor told me I was not having Osteoarthritis but Chondromalacia of Patella (膝蓋軟骨磨損). (He simply screamed when he read my referral letter that said I had Osteoarthritis at such a "young" age!)
Basically, he gave me similar medicine as before and the same list of "do's and don'ts". [DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BEND MY KNEE, which ranges from going up staires to playing Tai Chi.] But he also said I didn't need to go back to him any more (which imply I am not that serious, I suppose).
After taking the new drugs of yesterday and today, I feel much better. At least I can stand up right now, although it's still a bit painful. In fact, I lunched with Rita and Amy and went to do a little bit of shopping with Rita afterwards :P
I am going back to the office tomorrow, although I have a sick leave cert for one more day. Lots to do and lots to catch up after not being concentrated for the last few days.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
02 October 2005
It's getting better; and it's getting worse
I am on the anti-inflammatory drug for the third day. My knee was getting better yesterday; but it's getting worse today. The pain is on even if I just sit down for the whole morning to practice my calligraphy.
I am still thinking what makes me have Osteoarthritis. It's usually on people at least 40 years of age (well, there are still quite a number of years to go); who exercise vigorously (well, I seldom exercise); who are over-weight (well, I am fat but I am not that fat yet). So I really don't understand why I got Osteoarthritis.
Let see if it will go better after I finish the anti-inflammatory drugs.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
01 October 2005
I hadn't ever imagined my first post of October will be on Osteoarthritis (退化關節炎).
So, what happened?
Basically, it's my right knee that aches throughout the week. First, I thought just let it be. It happened sometime ago but the pain disappeared after a couple of days. But this time, it keeps going and getting worse and worse so I finally went to the doctor after work today and this is what my doctor told me.
The doctor gave me some anti-inflammatory drug for the moment. If it doesn't go better, I might need to see a specialist and physical therapist later.
Osteoarthritis is quite typical for "old" people. I am simply a bit too "young" for this. Basically, the doctor said it can't go much better as the bones and joints are supposed to be getting old with us. What I can do now is not to over-work my knees so as to keep their conditions as of now.
I had planned to visit the History and Science Museum tomorrow on the National Day. I would also like to go to the Cattle Depot Book Fair as well. But, well, I guess what I should do now is to sit down and practice my calligraphy :(
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(