These are pictures I took at noon, way before the unhappy event. (Well, I won't call it a "riot" as the newspapers do. The "event" was very well organized and targetted only to the police. No one on the street was hurted and no store damaged.)
Police's banners in different languages telling you the "do's and don'ts".
Yellow and red ribbons making up the most frequently shouted slogan "down, down, WTO".
Many local vistors were at Victoria Park yesterday.
Mad Cow Disease: A pair of scales, eight meters high. On the one arm a dead cow is hanging by its legs, on the other a number of Africans (in copper). A symbol pinpointing that the rich world is spending five times the amount of their development aid to subsidise their own agriculture.
Survival of the Fattest: A huge fat woman from the West sitting on the shoulders of a starved African man. The 3.5 metres high sculpture epitomises the imbalanced distribution of the world's resources, preserved by a biased and unjust world trade.
Hunger March: Twenty copper sculptures of starved children. The March will appear as a mobile manifestation in the many demonstrations during the WTO summit.
One-quarter of the NGO activities site, only the site for flower marker during Chinese New Year and many major rallies.
The main stage.
Another main stage.
When the agriculture part is almost done, the WTO will seriously enter into the "service" stage, in which, the HK service industry will be affected too.
Store just across the road from Victoria Park -- wooden boards blocking the display windows.
South Korean university students expressing their anti-WTO stance in Causeway Bay.
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