The quest for your mom or dad ... ... in the picture
First thing first. The answer for Quiz 2 of the previous post is Uncle 3 was missing. Mom said Uncle and Aunt 3 were in Edmonton and didn't return for the wedding. Others might supplement more information. That was year 1976 :) Other people in the picture are pretty easily identified so I won't repeat here.
I didn't mention in the previous post that the last time the siblings were all together was at my parents wedding! 36 years ago!
Here comes the (may be) most challenging question in "The Facts and the Myths of the Tse Family" series.Quiz 3
Again, can you find your mom or dad in the picture?
Other not in the family might take a wild guess to see who's my father. (It should be easier after I write about the Tse Family Numbering System next week.)
Hints: The two in the left of the middle row should not be in our family. The two in the middle were of course Grandma and Grandpa.
Not very useful hints: I have to say I am not 100% confident that the 10 siblings were all there. Some were not that "recognizable", while some looked almost identical to their sons!
P.S. I think I will try to post on "The Facts and the Myths of the Tse Family" once every week and around weekend. That will be easier for the interested readers to follow and give myself less pressure to keep writing. Next week will be on the long waited "Tse Family Numbering System".
P.P.S. May be I should advertise in Facebook :)
I've seen that pic before! My dad is next to your dad! Everyone was saying how much Ed looks like my dad in his younger years.
omg where did you find that picture! i can't really figure out who everyone is, but i can totally pick out my dad b/c he looks like ed! hahahahaah. ed's going to go bald when he's older!!!
and which two aunts are in the front laughing? did grandpa cut their hair for them?
damn, grandma was a baby factory!
Wow, this picture is amazing, I have never seen it before!
Judging from the relative ages, I'm guessing my mom is the one that's laughing hard in the front of the picture. If yes, that is easily the most animated I've ever seen my mother... >_> I think it's her and Aunt Penny in front and Aunt Cary being held by Grandpa...
You guys get the younger ones and your parents right :P Yesterday my sis was telling me that "goo ma" was not in the picture!
It's not very difficult to find these pictures in my house. I see my mom had put our 1st b-day parties pictures together on the same page of a photo album! (This "OUR" means me, my sis and brother, Rose and Matt at least.)
I swear I've seen a pic of Alice laughing like her mom is in this pic!!
Di, quit rubbing it in about Ed...he's already taking precautions with the hair!
Alice definitely had had similar hair cut at around the same age before.
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