17 June 2007

Home Impovement

I took this picture while having my evening walk tonight. I find this kind of bamboo structure quite amazing, good for the whole building and also good for some small home improvement. If you look at it closely, it is only supported by some triangles (I know they should have a more proper name, but I have to say I give everything back to my Structural professors. I feel sorry for them :( I stood underneath for about a minute, examining it for a while, and decided to take a picture.

Although I am not in the field, I still have the appetite for any kind of construction, from event set-up to real construction sites. (Oops! I forgot I was supposed to be a transportation engineer!)

Today, I had had my Putonghua class exam. After another Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi on 22 July, my study on Putonghua comes to the end, for the time being. I will take a break (don't know how long) and try something else. Lots of books and halfway through knitted sweaters are waiting for me!


Rosanna =) said...

I watched a show on Discovery Channel and they interviewed this little old lady in HK who builds those bamboo structures and they are so strong!
Stronger than say....a cable car at NP360? =P

Matt Lam said...

The term is truss! :P

And yeah, it turns out that bamboo has a lot of great properties for temporary structures like scaffolding, in that the mechanical properties are 'good enough' -- and the cost and weight! Bamboo is a lot lighter than steel...

Ida's Studio said...

Yes, Matt, you are right. It's a truss. My friend said this truss in particular is called "truss-out bamboo scaffold", and HK's Building Department has a guideline for it. I thought trusses have to come in as a series of triangles :( I think I hadn't learned my stuff right :(

diana said...

omg, i like how a little old lady can build these bamboo structures and they're strong enough for construction!