07 October 2006

Family pictures

Aunt and Uncle 2's visit 2006

Aunt and Uncle 3's visit 2005

The Lam family's visit 2004

Although I don't want to admit it, but we sure do look older and older each year :(


diana said...

it's ok, we're asian. so we're destined to look younger than our real age until we turn 70, where it all goes downhill from there.

Ida's Studio said...

I have more white hair than I can bear, which make me extremely stressful :(

Rosanna =) said...

Whenever I see a white hair, I just pull it out! When I get too many to pull, then I'll just dye it. I'm thankful for my asian genes, but it's harder for me to be credible at work when I look more like a student!

Ida's Studio said...

My sis said if you pull out one white hair, three will come out at the same location!!!!! But don't worry. She's not very scientific on this matter. Last time she told me that white hair never comes down "naturally" (e.g. when you comb your hair).