I just transferred my blog to, and some Chinese are therefore missing. I will take care of that after I settle down in the new apartment.
Back to packing now, or mom will start yelling.
This blog is intended to keep friends and relatives (especially those far far away) update of my latest adventures. I will try to write as often as possible and put up as many pictures as I can. Remember to send me your comments.
I just transferred my blog to, and some Chinese are therefore missing. I will take care of that after I settle down in the new apartment.
Back to packing now, or mom will start yelling.
Inspired by the Action Blue Sky Blog, I finally managed to change the banner of my blog. Do you like it? I also added a website counter at the end. Make sure you keep on clicking in!
Anyone can tell me what's 磁碟重組 in English? Problem of using Chinese Windows for so long.
So, that's what I am doing with my room (not my computer) lately -- throwing away stuffs that I don't think I will need in the near future, using different sizes of paper/plastic boxes to re-arrange the stuffs to minimize space to prepare for some new stuffs :) And of course, everything is done to prepare for the moving early Saturday morning this week.
Basically, what I am doing is to re-arrange the stuffs in different small paper boxes (those from IKEA) and put them on the bookshelves first. So when I have my day off on Friday, I can pack all these small boxes to the big ones.
Very good planning :>
I am taking pictures with stuffs I throw away, and I will put up the pictures here with pictures of the new apartment later. Hope you won't see the stuffs you gave me in the "throw away collage" :p
Oh, yes. I attended my first "Free Dance Stretch" class yesterday evening. Basically, it's taking out some modern dance movements and postures and using them as stretching exercise. So it will also have some music, and the movements look more beautiful than normal warm up exercise. I think I like it. I would like to do more stretching to make my muscles and joints less stiff so I guess it might work. It's slow and has some holding position, so it's very tired after class. But the problem is it also stretches my knee to the limit. I think I should slow down my walking speed again. I won't have my next medical apointment till November and the first physical therapy till February next year!
P.S. I am obsessed with Alvin Kwok 郭小霖's songs lately. Keep listening to it. My favorite is 他是誰 with some good-old-days memory. But I can't the lyric in the internet.
P.P.S. Check out the new links on the right. Do let me know if you know someone I should know that have a blog or a website.
So I went and it kept raining heavily all day :( Well, the HK Disneyland is so small that the rain actually made our stay longer or we could leave by noon!
Today is the 1st anniversary of the HK Disneyland. However, I guess 2/3 of the guests were using complimentary tickets like us, cause most of the people we saw were elderly from elderly service centres, people with mental disability from hostels and students and parents from special schools. We rarely saw tourists or people out of those groups, and except the "Winnie the Pooh ride", we didn't need a fast pass at all.
This is the second time I had been to a DisneyX. Last time is the LA Disneyland 10 years ago. I think during the last visit, I (or we were) was more exciting. Today, I only found Disneyland is not something that should appear in HK or Mainland. It totally doesn't fit here.
BTW, if you haven't been to HK Disneyland, my advice is "DON'T GO". It doesn't worth the HK$300+ per ticket.
Finally Mom and I had found the right apartment -- moving from Block 38 to 37 of the same housing estate :P My new room's window faces the little crossing from the MTR station so I can "monitor" those who are coming home!!!!!
We will be moving on the 30th this month. Mom said that's a good day for moving so she tried her best to make it real.
In the mean time, my Uncle and Aunt 2 will be coming to HK from Edmonton next week and stay for a month. Let's see if I can meet them more frequent. I stayed at theirs (weekend only) during university time and had some great memory there (hehe...I still got their key)
BTW, I will be going to the HK Disneyland tomorrow, on the day of its 1st anniservary. One of my friends got free tickets so we are only planning to go for a walk :P My friend has classes at night so I guess I will also leave daytime and miss the firework. But I think we can't spend so long there anyway. It's a very small Disneyland after all.
Last time when I went to Disneyland in LA is 10 years ago. Oh, my god!
See my bookshelf? No, no, no! Not the Elmo cookie jar nor the picture with me, Sara and Simon all wearing the same clothes! Look at my books. See what do I have?
Tonight, mom invited a contractor home to check out the price for our moving at the end of the month. (Yes, we are moving again, but we aren't confirmed where to move yet!) Mom said the lady looked around and saw this particular shelf with all the books I bought at the time when I was studying for my MSW, and asked "Is your daughter a social worker? It's so meaningful! I will ask for HK$200 less." So here we are saving HK$200 for all those I spent on tuition :P
P.S. Quite a few of my friends are leaving for long trip -- one going to Dubai for a half-year work trip (!); one going for South Africa for three months (!); and one go to all those places I can't figure out where they are until her money's all gone (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) So, have a nice trip, friends :)
P.P.S. The moving lady looked at mine and my sis' doors and asked mom, "One of your daughters likes McMug, and the other one likes Snoopy. Are they little girls?"
...skipped Mandarin class sad...tired...
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(