02 February 2005

1st Day @ WoC

This is my "official" first day at WoC. (Yesterday, I was there to handover.) Normally, first day has nothing special and not much to do. (Trust me, I must have worked more number of jobs than you do.) So this is correct again.

Unlike CUHK, where we had to use a small heater to warm up the room, temperature in the new office is normal. Unlike CUHK, the new office is small and noisy. People keep talking on the phone, fax machine ringing and the photocopier running behind me. After working at CUHK for a month and the Cattle Depot for another month, I am perfectly used to quiet space all by myself. I almost can't concentrate this morning.

Do you know what we have the most in my new office? Secretaries! We have 12 people in the team. Four of them have the positions as secretaries, one for our boss and one for every two officers. They all seem to be much more busier than I do today :P

Usually I will take care my own IT business. I set up my computer and network printer all by myself at CUHK. But today, I called the IT support. Well, I tried to interchange the position of the computer and the printer (it's simply unreasonable to have the printer closest to me but the computer at the far end). It seemed to be easy enough. However, the cables all interlocked together so I gave up or I will need to wait till Saturday afternoon...when I have spare time. So I called IT support. It made me somewhat looked like an idiot.

I still don't have internet access. Hope they will get it done tomorrow.

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