10 November 2007

加國大學排名榜 維多利亞居首?????!!!!!

I find the following coverage from Mingpao today quite ridiculous.

For those who haven't been in schools in Canada, it's already the 17th year the Maclean's does similar ranking of Canadian universities. It usually has three categories (as universities can be quite unlike), (1) medical doctoral (those with medical schools and grant PhD; usually the bigger and older ones), (2) comprehensive (those in the middle; also grant PhD with with limited programmes), and (3) primarily undergraduate (very self explanatory; usually the smallest). Most of the universities you can easily recall their names are in "medical doctoral", with a few exception in "comprehensive". Sometimes, the Maclean's might provide a ranking that combines the three together, but not very often or seldom. When a Canadian news medium wants to report the ranking, they almost always put the No.1 college in the "medical doctoral" category in the heading.

So you know what I want to say.

When I read first the heading, my first thought was "What? U. Vic.? Never heard about it."

加國大學排名榜 維多利亞居首


在 綜合類別中,維多利亞大學由去年的第三位,躍升為今年第一;卑詩省的西門菲莎大學今年則前進兩位,佔據第二名;滑鐵盧大學下降一位至第三。醫學院類別,麥 吉爾大學保持第一的位置;卑詩大學及皇后大學則並列第二。多倫多大學排名第四,該校在1994至2005年間,曾長期高踞榜首位置。

P.S. Apology to those in U of V. Not offensive. Just try to illustrate how ignorant HK news reporters can be.


Anonymous said...

Actaully U Vic. has one of the top law school on the west coast.

But as I said before, Mingpao is going downhill big time.

Anonymous said...

他那個排名是 中型大學的第二名....