28 March 2006

Sesame Street X Bossini

Can't wait till they are released next Monday!

I have wanted this Elmo t-shirt for a long time, but only find it through on-line shops that don't ship products out of America or ship them with expensive postage. I thought of asking the on-line shop to ship the tee to my cousin's address and then ask him/her to send it back to me. But then, the shipping is still too costly. Now, the tee will be available in Bossini starting next Monday with a number of other items too.

I am thinking to buy the whole set...may be for wearing and one for collecting..haha...

Then, I find this place from the internet yesterday -- Sesame Place! I know that will be my favourite place, especially the new Elmo's World rides and the show Elmo's World Live!

Let's start saving up :(

Ah ya,痛到飛起

The red dots had come and gone, disappearing like they never had come. Unfortunately, my knee is feeling painful again.

It really hurts. I had a hard time when I was at grocery shopping tonight. I am actually feeling the pain for the last few days but I didn't pay very much attention as I thought it's only because of the change of weather -- it's really "wet" in HK during the past few days. But then I start walking not quite good, and getting worse and worse. I can't stand up right this afternoon again.

So sad. I put on the "ointment" the doctor gave me last time and hope it will get better soon. My doctor's appoinment is in August......

27 March 2006

@ Jojo's Wedding Yesterday

That was Jojo and Daniel's wedding yesterday! Congratulation!

The heart-shaped cookies were made by the bride. I ate one pack and am still alive :)

20 March 2006

Wall Painting at Prince of Wales Hospital

So finally I can upload the picture. This is the wall painting we did yesterday at the Prince of Wales Hospital. This is the part done by we five gals and the leaves at the left end, to the right of the stones were coloured by me :)

Well, when the other four were all fine arts graduates, all I could do was colouring.

The painting is located at the North Wing of the Hospital, along one of the busiest hallway. Other volunteers and the artist working out the original painting have been working on it for several weekends. We, in a group of five, had "coloured" all day from 10am to 5pm yesterday, and all we could finish was the leaves you see from the picture :)

That was the first day I participated in Arts in Hospital event, and it was quite an interesting experience. It's Sunday and the Hospital was not that "busy". Patients and families walked by and telling you how they were amused about your "good" work. Nurses and other hospital staff discussed and told you that they wanted a bird, a chicken and a duck (maybe because of the bird flu :) or may be some more flowers in the painting. A mom wheeled her son in a wheel chair to see us working to cheer him up... The painting was not yet done but you know what you are there for.

P.S. Below is the other end of the painting, done by other group of volunteers, one of them is a CUHK fine arts master!

19 March 2006

Arts in Hospital

Today is the first time I joined the volunteer service of Arts in Hospital, and we finished a part of the wall painting at the Prince of Wales Hospital. I will upload some pictures later. There's something wrong with Blogger that I can't upload any pictures, and I am very tired now :(

14 March 2006


Oh, I think I like this HKCATS, although cats for me are extremely disturbing:

HKCATS 於 2002 年 7 月 成 立 , 03 年 8 月 得 到 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 批 准 成 為 慈 善 團 體 , 宗 旨 是 為 貓 咪 謀 取 福 利 、 促 進 人 貓 之 間 和 諧 共 處 、 改 善 貓 兒 的 社 會 形 象 及 減 少 流 浪 貓 的 數 字 。 除 貓 兒 福 利 外 , 我 們 更 透 過 與 小 動 物 接 觸 來 拉 近 人 與 人 之 間 的 距 離 , 以 及 教 育 青 少 年 尊 重 和 保 護 生 命 的 意 識 。

(For those who can't read Chinese, the highlighted part said "HKCATS strive for the well-being of cats, promote harmony between human beings and cats, enhance public image of cats")

13 March 2006

Rose, I got your T-shirt

I received the package when I was struggling with the credit card customer service, that had some problems verifying my signature to return me the extra credit, this afternoon.

So, thanks Rose. It arrives safely and shorter than two weeks :) Please tell your dad the Canada Post is very reliable :)

My "next desk" colleague suggested me to wear the Elmo-tee with a long-sleeve T-shirt underneath. I guess I will try it on this Saturday, on that, I plan to visit the Arts Museum after work :P

In addition to receiving the Elmo-tee, things also begin to get normal. The customer service woman finally, successfully verified my signature after I signed four times. My arms and legs are also getting better, especially the arms. If I got darker skin, maybe the dots are even less visble. This afternoon when we went to "drink Chinese tea" for lunch, the three of us could only order chicken and Chinese mushroom congee, tu-fu, vegetable and BBQ pork bun, cause two out of three of us needed to stay away from a variety of different foods!

For my cousins, yesterday morning we went "bai shan" of our great grand mother (my dad's grandma). We were supposed to meet at 7:30am (!) at Fan Ling Kowloon-Canton Railway station. This means we (i.e. Sara and me) needed to travel on MTR from HK Island East (home) all the way to the west of the Island, then across the harbour to get on the KCR and travelled all the way to Fan Ling (i.e. north-east of New Territories)!!!!! It should take us around an hour, much shorter than during "day" time as the trains were pratically empty in early morning of Sunday. But then, we came across a guy that for some reasons fell on the rail when we were in the middle of the way to Fan Ling and we got stuck on the train for half an hour! We all said we should stay in bed longer instead :(

We finally arrived the KCR station at 8am and then took a taxi. I haven't been to "bai shan" for quite a number of years, but I still could remember those pictures of elderly beside our great grandmother :)

We left at around 10am and arrived home at 12:30pm something. The first thing we did was to rush back to bed!

P.S. Suddently I think that maybe the irritation is due to the dry know, old people are more sensitive to the external environment. When I was young, I didn't even put on body lotion in Edmontion!

12 March 2006

A miserable day

I haven't blogged for anything "interesting" for a long time, but I am going to tell you a series of bad lucks I had yesterday, all happened within eight hours.

In short, I lost my bank book yesterday. According to the teller, I had to close my old account and open a new one. I stood in the bank for an hour, and when the procedure was almost done, the bank book was found! [Things always happen like this.] I dropped it in the shopping mall of my housing estate on the way to the bank, and someone picked it up and returned it to the bank before I walked the same route twice to search for the bank book :(

And then, I tried to transfer some money to my mom. But well, the ATM machine told me I didn't have enough money! No enough money? I am always left penniless but I am not that poor to have less than a few thousands dollars. So I checked out the transaction for the past month, and I found that when I paid for my credit card balance, I paid one more zero...i.e., if it's only HK$1,000, I had paid HK$10,000!!!!! I called the credit card customer service centre and they promised to send me the extra amount in a bank draft in seven working days :(

So all this happened in late morning. When I left home again at around 2pm to watch a drama, I found that my right wrist had some red dots on it. I put off my jackets and saw that both of my arms were full of red dots...scary...

I spent two hours for the drama, went to the office to pick up some personal stuff I left behind and went to a hospital out-patient clinic. I waited for about 45 minutes (All day yesterday was about lining up and waited and wasted the whole day. Good that I always have a book with me.), and answered no to almost all questions the doctor asked about possible cause of irritation (no to new pet, no to new cleaning items, no to any known allergic, etc.). So. The doctor's conclusion was that it's either an irritation or sign before a big flu. He gave me nothing. No pills cause he couldn't confirm what it was yet; and no cream cause it was not even itching...

So. That's my day yesterday.

For the red dots, they seem to get better when my skin is not scratching with anything (e.g. clothes). My arms are much better cause I wear short-sleeves T-shirt at home. My legs are also a bit better as I wear loose pants but worst when I wore jeans this morning and yesterday. I will see how it goes and decide if I need to see a doctor again.

For my new bank account, still a lot to follow up...chaning all the autopay accounts (especially the salary part!), apply for a new "pay by phone service" account...etc.


P.S. So I know now where my money goes -- the doctors and taxi drivers!

06 March 2006

I was sick; and I recover now.

I caught a cold over the weekend, and slept for 16 hours straight from Saturday evening till Sunday noon. But since I am busy at work, I went to see the doctor first day I felt wrong and I am as strong as I always am now.

Lesson learnt -- go to see a doctor early, especially if you have medical insurance!