14 March 2008

First a writer, now a publisher

A colleague sent me this, and I decide to get the Myths and the Facts of the Tse Family published! (RELAX! By "published", it means "to print a hardcopy".)

(Make your own book with) Blurb:

I've played around with it, and got the basic layout done. It seems a lot of funs, although the software itself has plenty of room for improvement.

I plan to print some copies as Christmas presents for families. So, if you want a separate copies, drop me an email with mailing address. Deadline for ordering is beginning of November. If you have memorable pictures and interesting stories to share, don't forget to email them to me. I will acknowledge the contributors in the books!


Rosanna =) said...

oh what a great idea!! I love photobooks!!
I've used Something made me choose that site over blurb when I was looking but I can't remember why.

I'm definitely ordering one!! =)

Ida's Studio said...

Don't tell me there's another option! I've already started on it and can't afford playing with a wider variety of choices. The Blurb has made me working way pass by ideal bed time several days already!