11 December 2007

Platform 9-3/4, King's Cross Station

I sneaked out from grandma's appointment at the University Hospital today to have a walk on campus and took the LRT to downtown. I was supposed to take a bus at the stop on 100A Street and 102 Avenue back home.

Well, I walked around. I saw 100 Street and 101 Street, 102 Avenue and 102A Avenue, but there's no such street numbered 100A.

...... ......

I felt like Harry Potter.

P.S. Of course I finally got the bus back home, but I still couldn't see the mysterious 100A Street. It turned out that the bus stop is located in between 100 and 101 Streets along 102 Avenue. But then I got off the bus one stop earlier and had to step on the snow for another block home :(

1 comment:

diana said...

did you know at the real king's cross station in london, there's a sign on a wall with platform 9 3/4 on it, and a buggy that looks like it's halfway through the wall. my friend showed me when i was in london a few years ago.