23 August 2007
20 August 2007
The 12th day of ironworkers strike
Today is the 12th day of the ironworkers strike, and news said they will continue tomorrow with a protest ending at the government headquarters. Many construction site workers join in the strike, making 1/4 of the sites not in operation. (Well, it also keeps raining in HK these two weeks.)
The ironworkers' demand is simple -- reasonable wage and working hours.
To date, daily wage of ironworkers have dropped from around HK$1200 to HK$1300 before 1997 to around HK$600 since SARS in 2003. Workers of racial minority are even earning as low as HK$300 per day. With inflation and the "best economy in 20 years", there's no sight of any "increase" of salary of the ironworkers. (I am very hesitated to use the word "increase" as the ironworkers are only asking a daily wage of HK$950, still lower than the highest point.)
On the other side, the business association refuses to give in, making the negotiation almost a mission impossible. (Oh, forgot to note, there's no such thing as "collective bargaining" for workers in HK. International labour rights groups and trade unions describe HK as an "uncivilized society".) Many workers of course are facing financial problems now, and the unions are planning to set up a fund to support their living in the time being.
Here's the ironworkers' strike statement:
經濟復甦,物價 上升,但少數扎鐵商壟斷整個市場,不斷壓低扎鐵工資。我們的人工已經跌了一半,只有600多元;工時增長了一小時至9小時。我們不是工作奴隸,不要再受老 闆剝削,我們要爭取合理工資、合理工時!另外,統計處指我們每日有1131元,為何我們實質只有五六百?我們要求政府徹查中間是否有人食價,是否有人剝削 工人血汗工資!
Hope you can support a very minimal wish as well.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
Salmon Bagel -- From a different perspective
Lately, people have been asking me what's going wrong, cause they had read the previous post.
Well, thanks. I am quite OK except a little bit exhausted from work, and practicing Chinese calligraphy again and the evening walk make me sort of relax from the tight schedule.
However, when I wrote the previous post, my real intention was to share my happiness (of eating fresh onion when there's no expectation :) and show how easy it could be to stay happy.
I can be happy quite easily, to my and many of your surprise. I am fueled with energy every morning when I walk pass the HK Park to work, seeing all the people working on the trees, the flowers and the fishes despite the heat or the rain. I feel warm when I see kids giving up seats to elderly in the train. I am delighted when I hear the sound of some real musical instruments from a Canto-pop CD.
It all depends on how you look at one thing.
P.S. I think I have to improve my writing skill.
15 August 2007
Salmon Bagel
I walked pass the HK Park to Pacific Place and grabbed a salmon bagel for lunch just now. When I opened the wrapping, I saw there were some fresh onion in it, and I suddenly felt a strong sense of happiness during a rather depressed period of time lately.
It's not that difficult to feel good sometimes.
P.S. Fresh onion is my favorite veggie, among a handful that I eat :)
10 August 2007
Everbody safely home?
Typhoon Pabuk turned away from HK on Wednesday, but suddenly returned again this morning. In just a few hours, it goes on from Typhoon No.1, 3 and then 8 at about 2:30pm.
This was how we crowded at the entrance of the Admiralty MTR station:
Before we passed the gate:
On the platform:
I should have gone for a drink first!
P.S. I would like to thank a group of young people who looked like a group of HKU students in an orientation camp.
While I was still waiting on the platform, the train came and they were inside. There were around ten to twenty of them, all wearing dark green polo shirts, and they wanted to get out of the train.
For those who have a taste of the HK MTR system during peak hours, you should have expected that those on the platform (excluding me) would try to push into the train although it's all packed with people and quite a number of them tried to get off.
With this group of young people on the train, they kept shouting together "let people get off first; let us get off; you can only get on board if we are off", etc., and they united and pushed...... Yes! They were off the train and left a lot of space inside, making me safely on the train finally :)
Ida's Studio
標籤: Weather and Mood
08 August 2007
3/8 (three out of eight)
屈指一算突然發現 很多好戲已上演
離原本想的有些遠 好比揀選歌舞的路線
由這裡 行過去
行過去 下一區
誠實地 無懼地
隨遇地 行過去
彈指間 第幾關
由這裡 行過去
行過去 下一區
誠實地 無懼地
隨遇地 行過去
彈指間 第幾關
行過去 行過去
行過去 下一區
華麗地 懷舊地
前衛地 行過去
路彎彎 共深山
由這裡 行過去
行過去 下一區
成熟地 緩慢地
回味地 行過去
彈指間 又一關
Pretty tired lately, and can't quite feel that positive. I think I need a break, but then I think it would be difficult to pick up the works again. Difficult decision.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Music and Life
05 August 2007
I haven't listened a CD through a CD player for a while. First, it's because my CD player is half broken. It can't detect some of my CDs. The most frustrated case is it can only detect Disc 1 of Chet Lam's dual-CD album The Private Life of Chet Lam, which I think both have to be listened together continuously......
Then, it's also because I subscribed MOOV. While I turned on my computer, which means most of my time except while I am sleeping, I use MOOV to listen to tonnes of new CDs, which I seldom register at all. Otherwise, I rely on my iPod Nano while I am travelling, but this usually means I can't quite listen to the music clearly under a rather noisy environment, and not to mention I always have a book handy.
But then I got Keith Chan's 12 Faces of Women yesterday. For some unknown reasons, I put it in my CD player, instead of my computer, and it plays. All the real musical instruments make it difficult not to be played in a real CD player. It sure is nicer from there than from a computer.
The CD+DVD was first performed at this year's Hong Kong Arts Festival, and I watched that too. I have to say I am not those "visual kind of people", and was not quite interested in the 12 short films accompanying the 12 pieces of music. However, the music sure is attractive, and it's worth all the trouble of putting the CD into a proper CD player.
Sometimes, when you are trying to communicate or be communicated, it's important to concentrate and listen carefully.
Sometimes, going the more traditional way is the mean to move forward.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Music and Life
04 August 2007
I watched the HKREP's Secret Love - Peach Blossom Land tonight.
Twelve years ago, some of my friends also produced the same drama in Edmonton. I was part of the production as well, but I was the Deputy Stage Manager for another smaller scale production -- Night and Day -- which was on stage the same night:
After so many years, I have to say that some of them I couldn't even remember their faces now. But some have also marked a place in my heart, even though we had lost contacts since then.
P.S. I still remember the first cue I made at the performance was a wrong cue! And I kept asking the producer about the script (since I didn't find it logical at all) during rehearsals, and finally he couldn't stand it any more, and asked me to concentrate on my cues and props and costumes, etc. He said a DSM was not there to understand the play :P
Ida's Studio
標籤: Good Old Days