28 July 2007

All you really need to know, you learned it in kindergarten......Part 2

(This issue is also known as "All You Really Need to Know, You Learned It in Harry Potter")

  1. Love
  2. Friendship; no one should be alone
  3. Trust
  4. Confidence in oneself and others
  5. Courage, and courage to stand up for yourself, stand up for things you believe or value, and stand up against things you believe it's wrong
  6. There's no unrecognized talent. It's either because opportunity hasn't come yet or you unfortunately have missed it. Or, you are not as talent as you think.

26 July 2007

Long time to post

It has been a long time since the last time I blogged. I have been very busy lately and still am.

With the Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi done on the previous Sunday, my Mandarin study will be on hold for a while. It had absorbed quite a lot of my time in the last couple of years, and I think it's time to do something else. However, I still plan to spend a little bit of time daily to practice.

Well, may be after HP7.

Right after the Mandarin exam on 22 July, I was busy every moment while I am not at work nor sleeping on HP7. Anyone finished it yet? I still have less than 200 pages to go. It's so sad the Mad-eye died at the beginning of the book, while Dobby died almost immediately after his appearance.

After HP7, there would be a lot of things waiting for me to do as well. For example, cleaning up my room and bookshelves, following up some personal and financial issues, lots and lots of reading, knitting and cross stitching, visiting museums, etc. Oh yes, I will need to make some updating to this blog as well. Many of my friends' links are not yet added. Also, anyone have Facebook? I need quite sometimes to make it looks "professional".

P.S. I use "" in Facebook. Make sure you add me :P

12 July 2007

Green Paper on Constitutional Development

So, the Green Paper on Constitutional Development was finally released yesterday.

From the "direct election in 1988" campaign to now, longer than 20 years has been passed. I think we have "gradually and orderly progressed" long enough to deserve universal and equal suffrage.

From what I have learned from the media, there are still some important elements missing in the Green Paper (e.g. what's a "democratic procedure" to nominate a Chief Executive election candidate?), making the rather complicated and wide spectrum of proposals very trivial. However, I do think it's time to act up and express yourself.

Public consultation will end on 10 October 2007. It should be now or never.

10 July 2007

All you really need to know, you learned it in kindergarten......Part 1

On health,

  1. Sleep early
  2. Don't forget your balance diet
  3. Exercise, exercise, and exercise
  4. Sit back and relax
  5. Stay happy :)
P.S. Sometimes ago, I thought of making a list of "all you really need to know, you learned it in kindergarten", something simple, but something we always forget. Let's start with health. This is something my Chinese doctor asked me to do. She's more concerned about my "sleeping problem" than my "hair problem" :P