29 January 2007

Physical Therapy

I am going to see the physical therapist this Saturday, at 9am!!!!! I've been in the queue since last August and there I am this weekend.

To prepare for the session, I first dig out the referral slip. Then, I try to recollect the symptoms, sequence, some observations, etc. of my knee pain, as I am going to tell the physical therapist all over again, and need not to say I had forgotten most of the details since it was first started at the end of 2005! Then, I count the number of doctors I have consulted -- my own doctor, two private specialists, two Chinese doctors (not to mention I had actually seen three Chinese doctors at the HKU SPACE clinic), the one in the emergency room, one physical therapist, another PT who determined how far I should stand in the queue, two government specialists... ...and each time I have to mention the details of my pain all over again... ...

I am sympathetic to those advocate for one-stop service for sexual violence victims!

21 January 2007


害怕 十個月後再 沒路徑可回頭
害怕 但是我卻未後悔 這是我所尋求
就像某某 情願放低事業去旅遊
半路有 大狀轉做賽艇手

平靜處 自願再生枝

捨平凡 愛動盪 人人其實有個願望
知回頭 會是岸 仍昂然投入去這巨浪
我所愛 我不改 千夫所責也不放
不愛看的不要看 也許我已厭了直航

任性 拿掉我任性 會事業有成
無奈我 其實太不習慣 世界太平
無辦法 慢慢老去又美麗又冷靜
情願聽 來撩亂我命運 那個叫聲

還未到 謝幕也不知

捨平凡 愛動盪 人人其實有個願望
知回頭 會是岸 仍昂然投入去這巨浪
我所愛 我不改 千夫所責也不放
不愛看的不要看 也許我已厭了直航

既沒有網 在四方 就恨沒勇氣闖闖
我這半世 未算趕 何妨迷路看風光

捨平凡 愛動盪 人人其實有個願望
知回頭 會是岸 仍昂然投入去這巨浪
你放手了 我不放 千夫所責也不放
不愛看的不要看 我的信仰 我會護航

捨平凡 愛動盪 誰人其實滿意現狀
知回頭 會是岸 仍昂然投入去這巨浪
你放手了 我不放 千夫所責也不放
且看我這點魯莽 會否帶我上到殿堂

Favourite song for the moment. I think I like the lyric the most, especially the chorus.

17 January 2007

I get myself into this trouble... upgrading the blog template but without much added values except I have to find everything back and put them back in place and sleep another later than I want......


Sleep now. Let me know what the blog is missing except that calendar thing. I don't quite like that calendar after putting it up, but I rather have it on before I find other interesting gadgets.

P.S. My new year resolution is to sleep early :(

15 January 2007


Can't find a better term than this. Period.

10 January 2007

From 26.12.06 Baby Blues

Zoe: Daddy, there's a problem with the CD-player Santa brought me.

Dad: (Trying out the CD-player) It sounds OK to me.
What's the problem?

Zoe: (Innocently) It isn't an iPod.

(From Baby Blues:

P.S. Good that I had bought myself a nano :P

01 January 2007

Happy New Year!

No smoking at most of the indoor areas starting today


I need a mug and I want to buy a mirror...

This mug satisfies both of my desires at the same time! And with an Elmo as bonus :)

Happy New Year.