13 June 2006


I seldom use sunblock (cause I try to avoid going under the sun :) But as I am getting older and older, I consider using them and bought those for the face and for the body. Then, you know what happen -- it rains and rains and rains and rains and rains......I hardly find a day that these sunblock thing can be used!

Time to sleep. Sweet dream :>


Rosanna =) said...

You should use a daily face moisturizer that has some sort of SPF in it anyway. Just because it's not sunny outside, doesn't mean that UV rays don't damage your skin!! And you're so white to begin with so you'll burn easier!!!

Ida's Studio said...

I forgot you are skin care expert! How's business?

Rosanna =) said...

hahahaha....i'm not an expert! Our products don't have any protective properties...they just smell nice!haha

Our business is good...we just don't have enough TIME to do everything we want to like meet with shop owners since we both work full time.