28 October 2005
反對政府方案 堅決爭取普選
Pro-democracy legislators will hold a series of activities relating to Report no. 5 on Constitutional Development. Details are as follows. For enquiry, please call Ms Blue Lam at 2509 0243.
5 November2005 (Saturday)
Centre for Comparative and Public Law of the Faculty of Law, HKU
The Biggest Step: The 5th Report of the Task Force on Constitutional Reform
6 November 2005 (Sunday)
Shek O beach carpark
Democracy Relay
13 November 2005 (Sunday)
Piazza, Kowloon Park
Talk show hosts performance
20 November, 2005 (Sunday)
Pedestrian Precinct, Mongkok
Street Forum
27 November 2005 (Sunday)
Edinburgh Place
Gathering for different sections
3 December 2005 (Saturday)
Along the tram route
Democracy Tram Party
4 December, 2005 (Sunday)
Victoria Park
Big march
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
24 October 2005
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
20 October 2005
Feeling better
Just a quick note to let everyone knows I am feeling better, although still feeling a bit uncomfortable and a bit painful...at least don't need to take taxi home any more :P
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
15 October 2005
More Elmo

Next time when I take you a picture with my mobile, remember to say "Hi" to Kinmakie Elmo :P
13 October 2005
I went to the emergency of the Eastern Hospital tonight.
Since the beginning of my knee pain, many people are urging me to visit the emergency, so the A&E doctor would transfer me to a specialist, but I didn't go until tonight.
I figure that the more I walk, the more pain I feel. So the rountine is I have the best condition in the morning (after some sleep), but the worst when I got off from work. I can walk from the MTR station to office in the morning, but I will need to take a taxi to go back home after work.
Today, I tried taking the MTR from Central to North Point to attend the corporate communication class. It turned out that the distance is longer than I thought, and I was very tired and very painful after the walk. I had a light supper in North Point, and after the two-hour class, I felt both of my knees were very painful and I couldn't stand up straight again. So I went back home, dropped down some stuff and went to the emergency room on my own.
It's the thrid time I was in an ER, but it's the first time I went without going by an ambulance and with a clear mind. So, I was a bit confused in the procedure and the whereabout.
I brought something to do at the ER, as I thought it would take a century to see the doctor. It turned out that I only needed to wait for less an hour (enough time to read an article in the U of A Engineer, and work out the layout of a leaflet!).
Basically, the doctor just repeated what the previous two doctors said -- nothing special to watch out; just don't bend the knees; nothing could be done; all they could give me were anti-inflammatory durgs and painkillers; went to see a doctor when you felt painful but again, there's nothing they could do......
I got two days of sick leave again. The longest sick leave I had ever had since I had chicken pox in Primary 1 or 2.
I took the second and third medications for the doctor to review. Guess what? The doctor gave me the same anti-inflammatory drug as in the first medication!!!!! (I should have brought all those!) The only thing new is an ointment.
I guess I really need to take some good rest this time. Hope I can go to Rico and Carman's wedding on Saturday.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
11 October 2005
Very sleepy...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...
Just take the pills and I am now very sleepy.
Actually the pills are making me very sleepy within a short time. If I am not in the office, I will get to bed and sleep for the whole day. The result is...can't sleep at night!
After sleeping for two days, I felt much better yesterday -- walking much faster and feeling less pain. But guess what, after one day in the office, I legs were getting painful again. This time not just the right side but also the left leg as well.
I guess I better take a few days off so that I don't need to move as much and I will get well sooner. Good that it's public holiday today. I guess I will make some arrangement today when I am back to the office and get the Thursday and Friday off. But on Saturday, I have to get out of my hole again. It's Rico and Carman's wedding that I can't miss, and drama at night :)
P.S. One of my colleagues also hurted her toes too, and we have two officers in the team that couldn't walk properly.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
10 October 2005
Joint Statement of teachers and grad students at HKU Faculty of Education against the EMB to award human rights training contract to the STL
I want to put the following up for a long time, if my leg doesn't go anything wrong for the last two weeks.
I find this press release very touching. For those of you who didn't follow up the news, the Education and Manpower Bureau had awarded a human right training for teachters contract to the Society of Truth and Light (well, except for God, who else in the universe could claim him/herself represent the truth?), who in fact opposes almost everything that protects the equal opportunities for anyone (in the name of God!).
********** **********
Press Release (6 October 2005)
As educationalists we have deep misgivings about EMB's award of a contract to the Society of Truth and Light (STL) to run courses for teachers on human rights.
STL's views on human rights are highly eccentric. Hong Kong's gays,lesbians and transgendered people meet discrimination in all walks of life(personal and professional). Yet for STL the proposed anti-discriminationlaw would itself infringe human rights. In what way? Well, by forcing people to change their attitudes to these minority groups (and, one supposes, actually to stop treating them the way they do).
We believe STL's view of human rights legislation is dangerous. We are alarmed that this view may be communicated to teachers, in whom we place the education of tomorrow's citizens. Today STL fights to preserve theright to discriminate against gays, lesbians and transgenders. Tomorrow who knows? Maybe it will be a fight to remove existing protection for women and the disabled. For don't we all have the right to discriminateagainst whomsoever we choose?
16 teachers and postgraduate students at HKU Faculty of Education
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
09 October 2005
Can't go to sleep
It's 2:53am, and I can't get into sleep.
No surprise. I slept almost whole day today and it's very reasonable that I can't sleep now.
The medication for me knee makes me very sleepy. I want to sleep within five minutes after taking the pills.
And also, my legs don't seem to go much better. That's the second reason I couldn't sleep, I suppose.
For two or three nights in a row, I can't get my right leg straight while I am on the bed. That's a big problem. I remember when I saw the specialist on Tuesday, it could go down all the way with a little push on my right knee by the doctor (although I wanted to scream). But now, there's an at least four to five inches gap till the back of my knee can touch the bed, and I won't push my leg any further, as even without the push, I already feel very painful.
What's next then? I don't know. I guess I will need to see a doctor again on Monday. Buy who? I have no idea.
Some of my friends asked me to visit the emergency so that the A&E will transfer me to a government specialist. I am not sure. I think I am not that "emergency" in fact. But the more advise I receive, the more confused I am. It also reflects how little I know about our health care system.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
05 October 2005
I planned to get back to work today. However, my knees (or should be my feet) are getting painful again, worse than yesterday too. In view of the long walk to office from the MTR station, I guess I better stay home again today. Good that I am prepared for this and brought all the work home on Monday.
Maybe I shouldn't go shopping yesterday :(
Anyway, the first corporate communication class tonight. Another reason I want to reserve my strength or it will be just like Monday -- got all tired up from work and couldn't attend the calligraphy class.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
Chondromalacia of Patella
Time to update my "sickness".
This morning, I went to see a specialist. Good that the doctor told me I was not having Osteoarthritis but Chondromalacia of Patella (膝蓋軟骨磨損). (He simply screamed when he read my referral letter that said I had Osteoarthritis at such a "young" age!)
Basically, he gave me similar medicine as before and the same list of "do's and don'ts". [DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BEND MY KNEE, which ranges from going up staires to playing Tai Chi.] But he also said I didn't need to go back to him any more (which imply I am not that serious, I suppose).
After taking the new drugs of yesterday and today, I feel much better. At least I can stand up right now, although it's still a bit painful. In fact, I lunched with Rita and Amy and went to do a little bit of shopping with Rita afterwards :P
I am going back to the office tomorrow, although I have a sick leave cert for one more day. Lots to do and lots to catch up after not being concentrated for the last few days.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
02 October 2005
It's getting better; and it's getting worse
I am on the anti-inflammatory drug for the third day. My knee was getting better yesterday; but it's getting worse today. The pain is on even if I just sit down for the whole morning to practice my calligraphy.
I am still thinking what makes me have Osteoarthritis. It's usually on people at least 40 years of age (well, there are still quite a number of years to go); who exercise vigorously (well, I seldom exercise); who are over-weight (well, I am fat but I am not that fat yet). So I really don't understand why I got Osteoarthritis.
Let see if it will go better after I finish the anti-inflammatory drugs.
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(
01 October 2005
I hadn't ever imagined my first post of October will be on Osteoarthritis (退化關節炎).
So, what happened?
Basically, it's my right knee that aches throughout the week. First, I thought just let it be. It happened sometime ago but the pain disappeared after a couple of days. But this time, it keeps going and getting worse and worse so I finally went to the doctor after work today and this is what my doctor told me.
The doctor gave me some anti-inflammatory drug for the moment. If it doesn't go better, I might need to see a specialist and physical therapist later.
Osteoarthritis is quite typical for "old" people. I am simply a bit too "young" for this. Basically, the doctor said it can't go much better as the bones and joints are supposed to be getting old with us. What I can do now is not to over-work my knees so as to keep their conditions as of now.
I had planned to visit the History and Science Museum tomorrow on the National Day. I would also like to go to the Cattle Depot Book Fair as well. But, well, I guess what I should do now is to sit down and practice my calligraphy :(
Ida's Studio
標籤: I am sick :(