25 September 2008

It's here, it's here!

After sending an email to Swiss Post to check out the whereabout of the book, the trial print of the Facts and the Myths of the Tse Family has finally arrived today!

I will let you see one of the pages:

The book is much smaller than I expected, although I had taken out a ruler several times trying to figure out how big is 7" x 7". (Don't blame me for that. You guys voted for it!) Quality of the pictures really depends on the quality of the "raw photos". The one of our Cho Uk is real good, but not for the old pictures.

Anyway, I will take a look and send it out for bulk print soon. Make sure you drop me your mailing address!

P.S. In case someone will say I am 自戀狂, the alphabets were there to hold the book or it couldn't open itself.

P.P.S. Quality of the camera of my new phone doesn't seem very good. Very disappointed.

23 September 2008


The cartoon can hardly tell how strong is Typhoon Hagupit. When I was at the door downstairs from my apartment, the wind blew me away just like the cartoon!

I hope everyone is safe.

15 September 2008

殘奧田徑蘇樺偉奪金兼破世績 (Updated)

15.09.2008 17:50

***** *****

15.09.2008 19:19

***** *****

Hong Kong's track and field athlete with disability So Wah-wai won a gold medal at the 200m T35 race at the BJ Paralympic this evening by breaking his own world record. My mom and sis would say it's because they were there to cheer for So :P

By now, HK has won two gold, one silver and two bronze medals at the Paralympic. Still a big gap from last time, but it doesn't really matter.

Here's an interview of So by Andy Lau, who has been supporting athletes with disability since 1996 and employer of So:

07 September 2008

Legislative Council Election 2008

Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights --

Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions:

(a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives;

(b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors;

(c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country.

Situation in HK: Only half of the 60 seats in the Legislative Council are returned by universal suffarage, while the other half and the Chief Executive are returned by an elite class of people.

Your action: To vote and to express yourself is your basic right. Regardless who you are going to vote, don't forget to cast your vote before 10:30pm today.

02 September 2008

Fu Niu LeLe...

... is finally centre of stage!