The Tse Family "Cho Uk" (祖屋) – Part 4 of 5 -- The 3rd special item of the house is...
... the girls' room!
From one generation to another
I think this is the first time someone called it the "girls' room".
It is the bigger of the two rooms in the basement of Uncle and Aunt 2's house. The first occupants of the room were Aunts 7, 8 and 9. When they started to move out, Rose and Di occupied the room and I also joined in the crowd during college years. It's a room full of silly girlish talks :)
In the past, there were a single bed and a double-decker bed, couple of small desks, a big build-in closet (big enough for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe), etc. Most of the furnitures were there since Aunts 7, 8 and 9's time and are still in the room except the beds. Now, instead of two beds for three people, there's one double bed instead, and it also becomes a guest room when Rose and Di moved out.
Starry, starry nightOne of the additions Rose and Di made to the room was the glow-in-the dark starts on the ceiling. (I tried to take some pictures but obviously was not very successful.) During the twin's first visit, we showed them the stars, but they were still at the age that would scare of the dark, so they would only stand at the door and held our hands tight with a very amazed smile.
One day, again, when I was reading in the room, Dai Mui came.
"Can you read outside?" The toddler asked.
"No." And so Dai Mui's gone.
After a while, she came and asked again, "Can you read outside?"
"I want to see the stars."
I can't remember if she succeeded this time, but Dai Mui sure was an assertive baby.
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