This blog is intended to keep friends and relatives (especially those far far away) update of my latest adventures. I will try to write as often as possible and put up as many pictures as I can. Remember to send me your comments.
...they put the ugly slogan as ads at MTR stations. I saw this at the Taikoo MTR station this afternoon.
To balance the "media" coverage of the two CE candidates, let me shows you the following:
Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society
wow, that's a stupid MTR ad.....
I think more are coming...
Yeah, ditto both of you: That MTR ad is pretty ridiculous...
I read from the newspaper that the bowtie campaign office thought the slogan was a success, cause within seconds, the slogan became talk of the town, even though the feedbacks were 99.999999% negative.
In addition to MTR stations, the slogan becomes "Big Brother". There's a big billboard ad on my way back home.
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