My MBT's first outdoor experience
I had bought my MBT for almost a month. However, today's the first time I wore them outside.
Why? Cause for the first couple of weeks, I needed to practice them indoor to FEEL the difference (instruction from the coach when I bought them). Basically, MBTs are (expensive) runners with curved bottoms. So supposingly, when you simply try to balance, your hip, hind and stomach muscles need to work extra hard and you also need to keep your posture right (that's what the ad said!) Therefore, it's not recommended to overwork yourself at the beginning or you will hurt yourself or feel dizzy like on a ship!
However, the more realistic reason is IT'S EXTREMELY HOT OUTSIDE. Other than cats, hot summer is my No.1 enemy!!!!! And when it's not so hot, it's raining cats and dogs. Again, that's the condition I rather stay under a roof.
But today, when I went out to eat at the little shopping mall this afternoon at around 3pm, it seemed that the weather was quite good -- outdoor was not as hot as in the house with a little bit of wind. So, I decided to try my MBT outdoor for the first time and walked along the waterfront for around 45 minutes.
Frankly, I can't tell if there's really any difference compaired to walking with conventional runners. And after the first 10 minutes, I was already all wet and was kissed by a mosquito :( However, with the nice view, and cutie children, sweet babies and their parents also walking, running and playing along the waterfront, it sure was much nicer than inside the house. It's even better after taking a LONGGGGG shower!!!!
Nice to have some exercise and a shower afterward :)
P.S. Florence's finally back! But she said she will be gone soon.
P.P.S. I visited the government specialist a couple of weeks ago. What the doctor said was something I heard over and over before, but he said it in more concret and positive terms, which make me feel better. He also pointed out some important points when working on those hind strengthening exercise, and my muscles seem to be stronger now (or is it the result of using MBT :) I will visit the specialist again in November and attend physical therapy in February 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P.P.P.S. Haven't posted pictures for a long time. Here's me at work, picture taken with me noticing :( It's sometime ago and my hair is much longer now :P
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