10 February 2006

Ida doesn't go to Lamma Island

Here's my friend's explannation on my explannation of not going to hiking in Lamma Island. Buddy Rita does know me really well.

You must learn Ida's physical and mental condition well.

1. She can't take ferry and she'll vomit like old lady. [Ida: Star Ferry is OK, although I don't like the speed. Going to Macau is killing me.]

2. She's super scared of those cute animals like cats and dogs. [Ida: The list also includes birds, rabbits, hamsters...pratically everything.]

3. She can't walk too far away although I also agree Lamma Island is a great short family hiking trial. Only 1 hour but I think Ida's knees will complain those uphill / downhill portion. [Ida: Doctors said no more going up/downhill/stair for me forever!]

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