02 July 2005

1 July 2005 (Part 2)

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I didn't join the rally both this year and the last. So I quite enjoyed viewing those pictures taken yesterday by some newsgroup people.

Although I didn't join the march, there're still something funny that worth writing down.

I asked the CHRF staff to prepare some "envelops" for collecting money after we counted the donation. Since we are talking about hundreds of thousands dollars, a major portion of the amount is coins and $10 or $20 notes, we usually (or have to) use those big thick brown envelops.

I took it for granted that when I said "envelops" the staff must know what did I mean. So guest what did I get? A few 4" x 5" white envelops! We couldn't help but laugh for the whole day.

Yesterday, it either rained heavily or was hot with sunshine. In order to cool down a bit, we sticked those 退熱貼 on the forehead. It had a bit of cooling effect but people asked us if we had a fever :P

Only me and Ah O had walkie-talkie at the secretariat. Since I had to let the volunteers knew when to go to Central to pick up those selling carts, I kept on informing the people where the beginning of the march was with the information I got from the control centre through the walkie-talkie.

One time after I announced the updated location, one volunteer looked at me curiously until she noticed my earphone...she must be thinking that God had told me the whereabout of the march!

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