30 April 2005

Ida in Beijing (Part 1)

I was in Beijing from 23 to 27 April 2005 for a work trip. Here's me in the Palace. I will write more about the trip when I have time.

My New Hobby

Before the Beijing trip, I was busy working on my new hobby -- plaster and molding and colouring. I got some box sets from the children's section at Page One. They are supposed to be for five and up!

I've made myself a little box, which is in the office right now to store the washroom key :P

I've also made Rita and Billy their alphabets. But Billy's not happy that "B is for Butterfly" :) and kept talking about it.

I am supposed to devote my weekends on this new hobby. But well, the preparation of the Beijing trip made me extremely busy and tired. I will pick it up soon when live is back to normal.

17 April 2005

Long time no write

I haven't written for long. Hope everyone is fine.

I am extremely busy lately. Working, working, working...working day and night and night and day and weekdays and weekends as well...

Poor Ida.

I expect here will be less busy and I should have more leisure. Well, life not always goes as expected.

I will be going to a work trip to Beijing from 24 to 27 April. Before that, I will stay busy...

'Me eat less cookies,' says Cookie Monster

04 April 2005

Still at the office...

It's almost 8pm, and I am still in the office, tired...hungry...