27 February 2011

Hong Kong Park (4)

The "artificial lake" in HK Park. That's Murray Building in the back.

Before I started, the teacher asked, "Are you going to remove the building and draw a sky instead?"

I said, "No, the building is the focus too."

Teacher said again, "How can the building, the trees in the centre and the person in the front all be the focus?"

I thought, "Only you said ther person is the focus. She's only a 'side-kick' for me".

25 February 2011

Westlife - You Raise Me Up

24 February 2011

19 February 2011

Hong Kong Park (3)

The path from to the bridge to Citibank Tower, where I walk through every morning.

Every week at drawing class, some classmates would come and say "嘩!好靚呀...張相。" (Wow! It's beautiful...I mean the photograph.) [I took lots of pictures of HK Park for this painting project.]

15 February 2011

失業綜援碩士生 VS 納稅人


自 問只是普通人家,又無樓,不用(直接)交差餉。雖然每年要交兩個月人工的稅,但我相信仍然不足以支付我每天使用的道路的維修和清潔費;街燈和紅綠燈的電 費;每天上班時經過的香港公園的保養費;花了$200買了一個全家全年入場證便經常參觀的康文署博物館的策展及保養費;當我懷疑鄰居發生家暴事件後報警, 前來調查的兩個警員的人工...還未計算偶然仍然會使用的公共醫療,甚至兒時的免費教育、學童保健、交通津貼...


09 February 2011

一個紀錄 (P.S. 陸永好好多)