第二次睇《一屋寶貝》,依然喊足三小時。2nd run 的場地是荃灣大會堂,居然全場爆滿,等開場時有點熱血沸騰。可惡的是今天我睇尾場,sound track 竟然賣哂!
This blog is intended to keep friends and relatives (especially those far far away) update of my latest adventures. I will try to write as often as possible and put up as many pictures as I can. Remember to send me your comments.
第二次睇《一屋寶貝》,依然喊足三小時。2nd run 的場地是荃灣大會堂,居然全場爆滿,等開場時有點熱血沸騰。可惡的是今天我睇尾場,sound track 竟然賣哂!
張貼者: Ida's Studio 於 21:00 0 意見
標籤: Music and Life
張貼者: Ida's Studio 於 17:26 0 意見
標籤: Arts and Crafts
張貼者: Ida's Studio 於 17:14 0 意見
標籤: Arts and Crafts
張貼者: Ida's Studio 於 23:55 0 意見
標籤: Music and Life