25 December 2009
20 December 2009
Inclusive Mural Painting Workship - Day 3
Day 3 am
Finally an element not using the hand prints -- the rainbow.
Day 3 pm
The final product, in just three days.
The final product, from another angle.
Where I signed my name.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Arts and Crafts
19 December 2009
Inclusive Mural Painting Workship - Day 2
Day 2 am
We continued using the idea of hand prints to develop a meaningful picture. Technology helped a lot!
We then used projector to project the image to the wall, and used pastel to make the outline, but I bet you can't really see the line.
All set for the "colouring" in the afternoon.
Day 2 pm
This is what the 15 of us had done in about two hours or so. To be continued tomorrow.
My pastel is of course all gone.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Arts and Crafts
18 December 2009
Inclusive Mural Painting Workship
Day 1 am
We used our own way to express our expectation to the workshop and perceived obstacles of creating a community mural. The brick wall, clock and the word "fun" were from me. I used pastel so it's not as sharp as the others.
Day 1 pm
We came up with the idea of using hand prints to continue our mural cause it's something simple and every one could do while hand prints could do many forms as well.
Someone touched up on my part with acrylic.
Ida's Studio
標籤: Arts and Crafts
13 December 2009
Some of the saddest and happiest things in life
(Not is any order)
1. Seeing the staff working hard to make the HK Park a lovely place and seeing the little kids enjoying the Park on my way to work every morning. It's my source of energy for the day.
1. The B/2B/3B/4B pencils drop on the floor. It's even worse if the lead breaks. It does break my heart every time.
(To be continued...but who knows when?)