15 February 2009
08 February 2009
Remember the Milk
I just updated my Remember the Milk. According to my tasks list, I have 22 tasks at work tomorrow, 10 of them are prority No.1. Where's my time?
Sunday night blue......
25 things you may or may not want to know about me
Rule: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
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1. I am a real Pisces. Pairs of extreme characteristic co-exist inside me. I have great difficulty understanding myself.
2. I have a friend who can understand me inside out.
3. I have no sense of direction whatsoever. I go everywhere with a map or just follow others.
4. I don't want to use my brain after office hours. Going to a trip is therefore an anxiety for me.
5. I need a timetable so that I know what to do on an hourly basis during weekends or holidays or I will be very disoriented. However, I never follow those timetables.
6. I don't eat vegetables.
7. Cats is my No.1 enemy.
8. Summer without an air conditioner is the end of my life.
9. Night time gives me a depressive feeling, especially Sunday night.
10. I used to think the best date to die is the day before turning 30. Now, I am proudly approaching 40.
11. Please try to stop me from buying any useless expensive or inexpensive toys. I am trying to save for my retirement.
12. I am still using the same alarm clock since Grade 5. I think I saved my pocket money to buy that at Wing On Department Store. (The clock was bought at Wing On for sure and I had looked at it many many times before I bought it. I am not quite sure I used my own money or Mom bought it.) I like it so much that it follows me everywhere. Sadly, the alarm function broke some times ago and it's now only a clock. I have been searching for a decent smart looking new alarm clock for a while but am still not successful.
13. To echo someone's French dictionary since Grade 5, I still have the English-Chinese pocket dictionary Mom bought me when I was in primary school. I think that's my very first dictionary. I now use only on-line ones. (I wanted to throw that dictionary away but my sis said to keep it. If you have gone through her 16 tags, you will know why she had said so.)
14. I spent my happiest and saddest time in Canada.
15. I still feel regret of not completing my master in transportation engineering.
16. I am a railway manic. I believe the entire HK should be networked by railway system. Other public transits should only be supportive.
17. I used to think I would be a writer or a painter. But at least, I am the writer, editor and publisher of the Facts and the Myths of the Tse Family!
18. I THOUGHT I was very gifted in needlework. However, don't imagine I would ever cook.
19. I rarely go to cinema, but theatre very often.
20. I am a good secret keeper that you can trust. Not that I won't tell, but I won't discuss your secrets with people who know you. So your secrets are well kept and I won't be too stressful of keeping your secrets :P
21. I don't use terms like "normal" / "abnormal". I use "average", "majority", etc. Simply being part of the majority doesn't make you "normal".
22. Now, I don't believe in hero. I think everyone has his/her own unique characteristics and strength that deserve our appreciation. While I don't believe in hero, I believe everyone can be a hero.
23. I always think I have dyslexia. Hence, I almost never read things that I wrote. The words just seem jumping on the piece of paper for me.
24. I like to read others' 16 tags or 25 tags. But PLEASEEEEEE, make the words bigger and leave more space. I can't read when so many words crowded together. I feel dizzy.
25. Thanks for reading to the end. You are a true friend!
Ida's Studio
標籤: The Tse Family
06 February 2009
I read this article from a friend's friend in FB. A good one indeed, especially at the time when the so called "right wing" Christians trying to stage their "holy war" in HK, challenging values and mission of a true Christian.
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Ida's Studio
標籤: Civil Society